Christoph Kohstall
Christoph Kohstall
Kind Humanoid
Потвърден имейл адрес: stanford.edu
Metastability and coherence of repulsive polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi mixture
C Kohstall, M Zaccanti, M Jag, A Trenkwalder, P Massignan, GM Bruun, ...
Nature 485 (7400), 615-618, 2012
Precision measurements of collective oscillations in the BEC-BCS crossover
A Altmeyer, S Riedl, C Kohstall, MJ Wright, R Geursen, M Bartenstein, ...
Physical review letters 98 (4), 040401, 2007
Designs for a quantum electron microscope
P Kruit, RG Hobbs, CS Kim, Y Yang, VR Manfrinato, J Hammer, S Thomas, ...
Ultramicroscopy 164, 31-45, 2016
Hydrodynamic expansion of a strongly interacting Fermi-Fermi mixture
A Trenkwalder, C Kohstall, M Zaccanti, D Naik, AI Sidorov, F Schreck, ...
Physical Review Letters 106 (11), 115304, 2011
Collective oscillations of a Fermi gas in the unitarity limit: Temperature effects and the role of pair correlations
S Riedl, ER Sánchez Guajardo, C Kohstall, A Altmeyer, MJ Wright, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (5), 053609, 2008
Finite-temperature collective dynamics of a Fermi gas in the BEC-BCS crossover
MJ Wright, S Riedl, A Altmeyer, C Kohstall, ERS Guajardo, JH Denschlag, ...
Physical review letters 99 (15), 150403, 2007
Dynamics of a strongly interacting Fermi gas: The radial quadrupole mode
A Altmeyer, S Riedl, MJ Wright, C Kohstall, JH Denschlag, R Grimm
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (3), 033610, 2007
Feshbach resonances in the 6Li-40K Fermi-Fermi mixture: elastic versus inelastic interactions
D Naik, A Trenkwalder, C Kohstall, FM Spiegelhalder, M Zaccanti, ...
The European Physical Journal D 65, 55-65, 2011
Calculated level energies, transition probabilities, and lifetimes of silicon-like ions
C Kohstall, S Fritzsche, B Fricke, WD Sepp
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 70 (1), 63-92, 1998
Superfluid quenching of the moment of inertia in a strongly interacting Fermi gas
S Riedl, ERS Guajardo, C Kohstall, JH Denschlag, R Grimm
New Journal of Physics 13 (3), 035003, 2011
Observation of interference between two molecular Bose–Einstein condensates
C Kohstall, S Riedl, ERS Guajardo, LA Sidorenkov, JH Denschlag, ...
New Journal of Physics 13 (6), 065027, 2011
Semitransparency in interaction-free measurements
S Thomas, C Kohstall, P Kruit, P Hommelhoff
Physical Review A 90 (5), 053840, 2014
Low-lying dipole excitations in vibrational nuclei: The Cd isotopic chain studied in photon scattering experiments
C Kohstall, D Belic, P Von Brentano, C Fransen, A Gade, RD Herzberg, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 72 (3), 034302, 2005
Pairing-gap, pseudogap, and no-gap phases in the radio-frequency spectra of a trapped unitary gas
P Pieri, A Perali, GC Strinati, S Riedl, MJ Wright, A Altmeyer, C Kohstall, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (1), 011608, 2011
Comment on the lifetimes of the 3s3p6 2S1/2 level for chlorine-like ions
C Kohstall, S Fritzsche, B Fricke, WD Sepp, E Träbert
Physica Scripta 1999 (T80B), 482, 1999
A New Toolbox for Experiments with Ultracold 6Li
C Kohstall
Master's thesis, University of Innsbruck, 2007
Field trial of a dual-wavelength fluorescent emission (LIFE) instrument and the Magma White Rover during the MARS2013 Mars Analog Mission
G Groemer, B Sattler, K Weisleitner, L Hunger, C Kohstall, A Frisch, ...
Astrobiology 14 (5), 391-405, 2014
Lifetime of angular momentum in a rotating strongly interacting Fermi gas
S Riedl, ERS Guajardo, C Kohstall, JH Denschlag, R Grimm
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (5), 053628, 2009
LIFE: laser induced fluorescence emission, a non-invasive tool to detect photosynthetic pigments in glacial ecosystems
M Tilg, M Storrie-Lombardi, C Kohstall, A Trenkwalder, R Psenner, ...
Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XIV 8152, 130-137, 2011
Note on" Collective Excitations of a Degenerate Gas at the BEC-BCS Crossover", Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 203201 (2004)
A Altmeyer, S Riedl, C Kohstall, MJ Wright, JH Denschlag, R Grimm
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0611285, 2006
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