Ali Shokouhi rostami
Ali Shokouhi rostami
USB university
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Survey on clustering in heterogeneous and homogeneous wireless sensor networks
AS Rostami, M Badkoobe, F Mohanna, H Keshavarz, AAR Hosseinabadi, ...
The Journal of Supercomputing 74, 277-323, 2018
A new clustering protocol for energy harvesting-wireless sensor networks
SM Bozorgi, AS Rostami, AAR Hosseinabadi, VE Balas
Computers & Electrical Engineering 64, 233-247, 2017
Energy-aware Geographic Routing for Real-Time Workforce Monitoring in Industrial Informatics
A.K. Sangaiah, A.S. Rostami, A. R. Hosseinabadi, a. Javadpour
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021
Solving Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem using the Gravitational Emulation Local Search Algorithm
ARH Ali Shokouhi Rostami , Farahnaz Mohanna, Hengameh Keshavarz
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 9 (2), 1-11, 2015
A novel and optimized algorithm to select monitoring sensors by GSA
AS Rostami, HM Bernety, AR Hosseinabadi
The 2nd international conference on control, instrumentation and automation …, 2011
Improving load balancing for data-duplication in big data cloud computing networks
A Javadpour, AMH Abadi, S Rezaei, M Zomorodian, AS Rostami
Cluster Computing 25 (4), 2613-2631, 2022
A new search algorithm for solving symmetric traveling salesman problem based on gravity
AR Hosseinabadi, M Yazdanpanah, AS Rostami
World Applied Sciences Journal 16 (10), 1387-1392, 2012
Task processing optimization using cuckoo particle swarm (CPS) algorithm in cloud computing infrastructure
H Zavieh, A Javadpour, Y Li, F Ja’fari, SH Nasseri, AS Rostami
Cluster Computing 26 (1), 745-769, 2023
Imperialist competition based clustering algorithm to improve the lifetime of wireless sensor network
AS Rostami, M Badkoobe, F Mohanna, AAR Hosseinabadi, VE Balas
Soft Computing Applications: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop …, 2018
Designing a random number generator with novel parallel LFSR substructure for key stream ciphers
IZ Moghadam, AS Rostami, MR Tanhatalab
2010 International Conference On Computer Design and Applications 5, V5-598 …, 2010
Increasing the Network life Time by Simulated Annealing Algorithm in WSN with Point
M Azami, M Ranjbar, ali shokouhi rostami Amiri, Amir Jahani
International Journal of Ad Hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing 4 (2), 2013
A novel energy-aware target tracking method by reducing active nodes in wireless sensor networks
A Shokouhi Rostami, F Mohanna, H Keshavarz
Wireless Personal Communications 95, 3585-3599, 2017
A novel dynamic multi-hop clustering protocol based on renewable energy for energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
SM Bozorgi, MG Amiri, AS Rostami, F Mohanna
2015 2nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based Engineering and …, 2015
A Private Secure Communication Scheme Using UKF-based Chaos Synchronization.
K Nosrati, AS Rostami, A Azemi, F Mohanna
Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 8 (2), 2015
Chaos synchronization of fractional-order Lorenz system with Unscented Kalman Filter
K Nosrati, AS Rostami, N Pariz, A Azemi
2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-6, 2011
A New Energy Consumption Algorithm with Active Sensor Selection Using GELS in Target Coverage WSN
ASR Ali Bagrezai, Seyed Vahab ALDin Makki
International Journal of Computer Science Issues 10 (4), 11-18, 2013
A New Energy Consumption Algorithm with Active Sensor Selection Using GELS in Target Coverage WSN
SVALDMASR Ali Bagrezai
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 10 (4), 146, 2013
Improvement tfidf for news document using efficient similarity
A Elahi, RJ Alitappeh, AS Rostami
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4 (19 …, 2012
Fuzzy normed linear spaces and fuzzy frames
B Daraby, F Delzendeh, A Rostami, A Rahimi
Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics 9 (2), 96-121, 2019
Fuzzy Artificial Bee Colony for Clustering
M Ranjbar, M Azami, AS Rostammi
Journal of Agricultural Science and Engi 1 (2), 46-53, 2015
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