Eleanor Quested
Eleanor Quested
Потвърден имейл адрес: curtin.edu.au
A meta-analysis of self-determination theory-informed intervention studies in the health domain: Effects on motivation, health behavior, physical, and psychological health
N Ntoumanis, JYY Ng, A Prestwich, E Quested, JE Hancox, ...
Health psychology review 15 (2), 214-244, 2021
Antecedents of burnout among elite dancers: A longitudinal test of basic needs theory
E Quested, JL Duda
Psychology of sport and exercise 12 (2), 159-167, 2011
Exploring the social-environmental determinants of well-and ill-being in dancers: A test of basic needs theory
E Quested, JL Duda
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 32 (1), 39-60, 2010
Initial validation of the coach-created Empowering and Disempowering Motivational Climate Questionnaire (EDMCQ-C)
PR Appleton, N Ntoumanis, E Quested, C Viladrich, JL Duda
Psychology of sport and exercise 22, 53-65, 2016
Intentions to drop-out of youth soccer: A test of the basic needs theory among European youth from five countries
E Quested, N Ntoumanis, C Viladrich, E Haug, Y Ommundsen, ...
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11 (4), 395-407, 2013
A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions.
A Ahmadi, M Noetel, P Parker, RM Ryan, N Ntoumanis, J Reeve, ...
Journal of Educational Psychology 115 (8), 1158, 2023
Need-supportive communication: Implications for motivation in sport, exercise, and physical activity
N Ntoumanis, E Quested, J Reeve, SH Cheon
Persuasion and communication in sport, exercise, and physical activity, 155-169, 2017
Development and validation of the multidimensional motivational climate observation system
N Smith, D Tessier, Y Tzioumakis, E Quested, P Appleton, P Sarrazin, ...
Journal of sport and exercise psychology 37 (1), 4-22, 2015
The emergence of team resilience: A multilevel conceptual model of facilitating factors
DF Gucciardi, M Crane, N Ntoumanis, SK Parker, C Thøgersen‐Ntoumani, ...
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (4), 729-768, 2018
Perceptions of the motivational climate, need satisfaction, and indices of well-and ill-being among hip hop dancers
E Quested, JL Duda
Journal of Dance Medicine & Science 13 (1), 10-19, 2009
The effects of training group exercise class instructors to adopt a motivationally adaptive communication style
N Ntoumanis, C Thøgersen‐Ntoumani, E Quested, J Hancox
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 27 (9), 1026-1034, 2017
Coach autonomy support predicts autonomous motivation and daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sedentary time in youth sport participants
SAM Fenton, JL Duda, E Quested, T Barrett
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 15 (5), 453-463, 2014
Oxford research encyclopedia of psychology
N Ntoumanis, C Thørgersen-Ntoumani, E Quested, N Chatzisarantis
Oxford University Press, 2018
Team resilience: A scoping review of conceptual and empirical work
MT Chapman, RLJ Lines, M Crane, KJ Ducker, N Ntoumanis, P Peeling, ...
Work & Stress 34 (1), 57-81, 2020
Promoting Adolescent health through an intervention aimed at improving the quality of their participation in Physical Activity (PAPA): Background to the project and main trial …
JL Duda, E Quested, E Haug, O Samdal, B Wold, I Balaguer, I Castillo, ...
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 11 (4), 319-327, 2013
The relationship between observed and perceived assessments of the coach-created motivational environment and links to athlete motivation
N Smith, D Tessier, Y Tzioumakis, P Fabra, E Quested, P Appleton, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 23, 51-63, 2016
Assessment of nutritional knowledge in female athletes susceptible to the Female Athlete Triad syndrome
P Raymond-Barker, A Petroczi, E Quested
Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2, 1-11, 2007
Putting self-determination theory into practice: Application of adaptive motivational principles in the exercise domain
JE Hancox, E Quested, N Ntoumanis, C Thøgersen-Ntoumani
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 10 (1), 75-91, 2018
How perceived autonomy support and controlling coach behaviors are related to well-and ill-being in elite soccer players: A within-person changes and between-person differences …
B Cheval, A Chalabaev, E Quested, DS Courvoisier, P Sarrazin
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 28, 68-77, 2017
Dyadic interventions to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour: systematic review and meta-analysis
RM Carr, A Prestwich, D Kwasnicka, C Thøgersen-Ntoumani, ...
Health Psychology Review 13 (1), 91-109, 2019
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