Tanvina Patel
Tanvina Patel
Guest Researcher @TUDelft | Post-Doc | Data Scientist (Speech Systems), Cogknit Semantics, Bangalore
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Combining evidences from mel cepstral, cochlear filter cepstral and instantaneous frequency features for detection of natural vs. spoofed speech.
TB Patel, HA Patil
Interspeech, 2062-2066, 2015
Novel Variable Length Teager Energy Separation Based Instantaneous Frequency Features for Replay Detection.
HA Patil, MR Kamble, TB Patel, MH Soni
INTERSPEECH, ١٢-١٦, 2017
A syllable-based framework for unit selection synthesis in 13 Indian languages
HA Patil, TB Patel, NJ Shah, HB Sailor, R Krishnan, GR Kasthuri, ...
2013 International Conference Oriental COCOSDA held jointly with 2013 …, 2013
Cochlear filter and instantaneous frequency based features for spoofed speech detection
TB Patel, HA Patil
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (4), 618-631, 2016
TDNN-based Multilingual Speech Recognition System for Low Resource Indian Languages.
N Fathima, TB Patel, C Mahima, A Iyengar
Interspeech, 3197-3201, 2018
Effectiveness of fundamental frequency (F0) and strength of excitation (SOE) for spoofed speech detection
TB Patel, HA Patil
2016 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Mitigating bias against non-native accents.
Y Zhang, Y Zhang, BM Halpern, T Patel, O Scharenborg
Interspeech, 3168-3172, 2022
Significance of source–filter interaction for classification of natural vs. spoofed speech
TB Patel, HA Patil
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 11 (4), 644-659, 2017
Algorithms for speech segmentation at syllable-level for text-to-speech synthesis system in Gujarati
HA Patil, T Patel, S Talesara, N Shah, H Sailor, B Vachhani, J Akhani, ...
2013 International Conference Oriental COCOSDA held jointly with 2013 …, 2013
A novel Gaussian filter-based automatic labeling of speech data for TTS system in Gujarati language
S Talesara, HA Patil, T Patel, H Sailor, N Shah
2013 International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 139-142, 2013
Development of Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition System with Keyword Search for Manipuri.
T Patel, DN Krishna, N Fathima, N Shah, C Mahima, D Kumar, A Iyengar
Interspeech, 1031-1035, 2018
Novel Subband Autoencoder Features for Detection of Spoofed Speech.
MH Soni, TB Patel, HA Patil
Interspeech, 1820-1824, 2016
Native Language Identification Using Spectral and Source-Based Features.
A Rajpal, TB Patel, HB Sailor, MC Madhavi, HA Patil, H Fujisaki
Interspeech, 2383-2387, 2016
Predicting within and across language phoneme recognition performance of self-supervised learning speech pre-trained models
H Ji, T Patel, O Scharenborg
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12489, 2022
Novel Nonlinear Prediction Based Features for Spoofed Speech Detection.
H Bhavsar, TB Patel, HA Patil
INTERSPEECH, 155-159, 2016
Nonlinear prediction of speech signal using volterra-wiener series.
HA Patil, TB Patel
INTERSPEECH, 1687-1691, 2013
An Automatic Speech Transcription System for Manipuri Language.
T Patel, DN Krishna, N Fathima, N Shah, C Mahima, D Kumar, A Iyengar
INTERSPEECH, 2388-2389, 2018
A novel filtering based approach for epoch extraction
PB Bachhav, HA Patil, TB Patel
2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2015
Improving whispered speech recognition performance using pseudo-whispered based data augmentation
Z Lin, T Patel, O Scharenborg
2023 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU), 1-8, 2023
Using data augmentations and vtln to reduce bias in dutch end-to-end speech recognition systems
T Patel, O Scharenborg
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.02009, 2023
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