Rauhut, Heiko
Rauhut, Heiko
University of Zurich, Department of Sociology
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How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect
J Lorenz, H Rauhut, F Schweitzer, D Helbing
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 108 (22), 9020-9025, 2011
Lifting the veil of ignorance: An experiment on the contagiousness of norm violations
A Diekmann, W Przepiorka, H Rauhut
Rationality and Society 27 (3), 309-333, 2015
The wisdom of crowds in one mind: How individuals can simulate the knowledge of diverse societies to reach better decisions
H Rauhut, J Lorenz
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 55 (2), 191-197, 2011
A sociological perspective on measuring social norms by means of strategy method experiments
H Rauhut, F Winter
Social Science Research 39 (6), 1181-1194, 2010
Higher punishment, less control? Experimental evidence on the inspection game
H Rauhut
Rationality and Society 21 (3), 359-392, 2009
Self-organization and emergence in social systems: Modeling the coevolution of social environments and cooperative behavior
D Helbing, W Yu, H Rauhut
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 35 (1-3), 177-208, 2011
Beliefs about lying and spreading of dishonesty: Undetected lies and their constructive and destructive social dynamics in dice experiments
H Rauhut
PloS one 8 (11), e77878, 2013
How norms can generate conflict: An experiment on the failure of cooperative micro-motives on the macro-level
F Winter, H Rauhut, D Helbing
Social Forces 90 (3), 919-946, 2012
Die durchsetzung sozialer normen in low-cost und high-cost situationen/enforcement of social norms in low-cost and high-cost situations
H Rauhut, I Krumpal
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 37 (5), 380-402, 2008
Punishment deters crime because humans are bounded in their strategic decision-making
H Rauhut, M Junker
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (3), 1, 2009
Bargaining over waiting time in ultimatum game experiments
R Berger, H Rauhut, S Prade, D Helbing
Social Science Research, 2011
Conditions for the emergence of shared norms in populations with incompatible preferences
D Helbing, W Yu, KD Opp, H Rauhut
PloS one 9 (8), e104207, 2014
Die Präventivwirkung des Nichtwissens im Experiment
A Diekmann, W Przepiorka, H Rauhut
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40 (1), 74-84, 2011
Mapping mental models of science communication: How academics in Germany, Austria and Switzerland understand and practice science communication
SH Kessler, MS Schäfer, D Johann, H Rauhut
Public Understanding of Science 31 (6), 711-731, 2022
Human social preferences cluster and spread in the field
A Ehlert, M Kindschi, R Algesheimer, H Rauhut
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (37), 22787-22792, 2020
Prosocial behaviour in interethnic encounters: evidence from a field experiment with high-and low-status immigrants
N Zhang, A Aidenberger, H Rauhut, F Winter
European Sociological Review 35 (4), 582-597, 2019
Majoritarian democracy undermines truth-finding in deliberative committees
J Lorenz, H Rauhut, B Kittel
Research & Politics 2 (2), 2053168015582287, 2015
Too sophisticated even for highly educated survey respondents? A qualitative assessment of indirect question formats for sensitive questions
J Jerke, D Johann, H Rauhut, K Thomas
Survey Research Methods 13 (3), 319-351, 2019
Stronger inspection incentives, less crime? Further experimental evidence on inspection games
H Rauhut
Rationality and Society 27 (4), 414-454, 2015
On the validity of laboratory research in the political and social sciences: The example of crime and punishment
H Rauhut, F Winter
Experimental political science: Principles and practices, 209-232, 2012
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