Evgeny Asmolov (Евгений Савельевич Асмолов)
Evgeny Asmolov (Евгений Савельевич Асмолов)
A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry Russian Academy of Sciences
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The inertial lift on a spherical particle in a plane Poiseuille flow at large channel Reynolds number
ES Asmolov
Journal of fluid mechanics 381, 63-87, 1999
Effective slip boundary conditions for arbitrary one-dimensional surfaces
ES Asmolov, OI Vinogradova
Journal of fluid mechanics 706, 108-117, 2012
Inertial focusing of finite-size particles in microchannels
ES Asmolov, AL Dubov, TV Nizkaya, J Harting, OI Vinogradova
Journal of fluid mechanics 840, 613-630, 2018
Gas cushion model and hydrodynamic boundary conditions for superhydrophobic textures
TV Nizkaya, ES Asmolov, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review E 90 (4), 043017, 2014
Dynamics of a spherical particle in a laminar boundary layer
ES Asmolov
Fluid Dynamics 25 (6), 886-890, 1990
Stability of a dusty-gas laminar boundary layer on a flat plate
ES Asmolov, SV Manuilovich
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 365, 137-170, 1998
Heat transfer between plane parallel plates in a gas of Maxwellian molecules
ES Asmolov, NK Makashev, VI Nosik
Doklady Akademii Nauk 249 (3), 577-580, 1979
Electro-osmotic flow in hydrophobic nanochannels
EF Silkina, ES Asmolov, OI Vinogradova
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21 (41), 23036-23043, 2019
Drag force on a sphere moving toward an anisotropic superhydrophobic plane
ES Asmolov, AV Belyaev, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (2 …, 2011
The inertial lift on an oscillating sphere in a linear shear flow
ES Asmolov, JB McLaughlin
International journal of multiphase flow 25 (4), 739-751, 1999
Enhanced slip properties of lubricant-infused grooves
ES Asmolov, TV Nizkaya, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review E 98 (3), 033103, 2018
Principles of transverse flow fractionation of microparticles in superhydrophobic channels
ES Asmolov, AL Dubov, TV Nizkaya, AJC Kuehne, OI Vinogradova
Lab on a Chip 15 (13), 2835-2841, 2015
Effective hydrodynamic boundary conditions for microtextured surfaces
A Mongruel, T Chastel, ES Asmolov, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (1 …, 2013
Effective slip-length tensor for a flow over weakly slipping stripes
ES Asmolov, J Zhou, F Schmid, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review E 88, 023004, 2013
Flow past superhydrophobic surfaces with cosine variation in local slip length
ES Asmolov, S Schmieschek, J Harting, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (2 …, 2013
The inertial lift on a small particle in a weak-shear parabolic flow
ES Asmolov
Physics of Fluids 14 (1), 15-28, 2002
Gas dynamics and hydrodynamics of metal cutting by CW laser radiation in an inert gas
NK Makashev, ES Asmolov, VV Blinkov, AI Boris, OG Buzykin, ...
Kvantovaia Elektronika Moscow 19 (9), 910-915, 1992
Flows and mixing in channels with misaligned superhydrophobic walls
TV Nizkaya, ES Asmolov, J Zhou, F Schmid, OI Vinogradova
Physical Review E 91 (3), 033020, 2015
Asymptotic model of the inertial migration of particles in a dilute suspension flow through the entry region of a channel
AA Osiptsov, ES Asmolov
Physics of Fluids 20 (12), 2008
Gas hydrodynamics of CW laser cutting of metals in inert gas
NK Makashev, ES Asmolov, VV Blinkov, AY Boris, AV Burmistrov, ...
Russia National Conference: Industrial Lasers and Laser Material Processing …, 1994
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