A survey of self-management in dynamic software architecture specifications JS Bradbury, JR Cordy, J Dingel, M Wermelinger Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSOFT workshop on Self-managed systems, 28-33, 2004 | 411 | 2004 |
Survey and classification of model transformation tools N Kahani, M Bagherzadeh, JR Cordy, J Dingel, D Varró Software & Systems Modeling 18, 2361-2397, 2019 | 191 | 2019 |
Model transformation intents and their properties L Lúcio, M Amrani, J Dingel, L Lambers, R Salay, GMK Selim, E Syriani, ... Software & systems modeling 15, 647-684, 2016 | 155 | 2016 |
A comparative survey of scenario-based to state-based model synthesis approaches H Liang, J Dingel, Z Diskin Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Scenarios and state …, 2006 | 136 | 2006 |
Mutation operators for concurrent Java (J2SE 5.0) JS Bradbury, JR Cordy, J Dingel Second Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2006-ISSRE Workshops 2006), 11-11, 2006 | 134 | 2006 |
Model checking for infinite state systems using data abstraction, assumption-commitment style reasoning and theorem proving J Dingel, T Filkorn Computer Aided Verification: 7th International Conference, CAV'95 Liège …, 1995 | 107 | 1995 |
A tridimensional approach for studying the formal verification of model transformations M Amrani, L Lucio, G Selim, B Combemale, J Dingel, H Vangheluwe, ... 2012 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2012 | 97 | 2012 |
UML Vs. Classical Vs. Rhapsody Statecharts: Not All Models Are Created Equal ML Crane, J Dingel International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems …, 2005 | 94 | 2005 |
UML vs. classical vs. rhapsody statecharts: not all models are created equal ML Crane, J Dingel Software & Systems Modeling 6, 415-435, 2007 | 84 | 2007 |
Understanding and improving UML package merge J Dingel, Z Diskin, A Zito Software & Systems Modeling 7, 443-467, 2008 | 77 | 2008 |
On the semantics of UML state machines: Categorization and comparison ML Crane, J Dingel School of Comp., Queen's Univ., Technical Report 501, 2005, 2005 | 73 | 2005 |
Reasoning about implicit invocation D Garlan, S Jha, D Notkin, J Dingel ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 23 (6), 209-221, 1998 | 71 | 1998 |
A survey of timed automata for the development of real-time systems MTB Waez, J Dingel, K Rudie Computer Science Review 9, 1-26, 2013 | 66 | 2013 |
Package merge in uml 2: Practice vs. theory? A Zito, Z Diskin, J Dingel Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 9th International Conference …, 2006 | 65 | 2006 |
Towards a model transformation intent catalog M Amrani, J Dingel, L Lambers, L Lúcio, R Salay, G Selim, E Syriani, ... Proceedings of the First Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations, 3-8, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
2 nd UML 2 Semantics Symposium: Formal Semantics for UML M Broy, ML Crane, J Dingel, A Hartman, B Rumpe, B Selic Models in Software Engineering: Workshops and Symposia at MoDELS 2006, Genoa …, 2007 | 61 | 2007 |
An executable formal semantics for UML-RT E Posse, J Dingel Software & Systems Modeling 15 (1), 179-217, 2016 | 57 | 2016 |
Formal verification techniques for model transformations: A tridimensional classification M Amrani, B Combemale, L Lúcio, G Selim, J Dingel, Y Le Traon, ... The Journal of Object Technology 14 (3), 1: 1-43, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
Bridging the HLA: Problems and solutions J Dingel, D Garlan, C Damon Proceedings. Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Simulation and …, 2002 | 51 | 2002 |
Analyzing a decade of Linux system calls M Bagherzadeh, N Kahani, CP Bezemer, AE Hassan, J Dingel, JR Cordy Empirical Software Engineering 23, 1519-1551, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |