Ximena Velez-Zuazo
Ximena Velez-Zuazo
Marine Managing Director/BMAP, CCS-Smithsonian Institution
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Shark tales: a molecular species-level phylogeny of sharks (Selachimorpha, Chondrichthyes)
X Vélez-Zuazo, I Agnarsson
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 58 (2), 207-217, 2011
Evidence for transoceanic migrations by loggerhead sea turtles in the southern Pacific Ocean
MC Boyle, NN FitzSimmons, CJ Limpus, S Kelez, X Velez-Zuazo, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1664), 1993-1999, 2009
New mtDNA D-loop primers which work for a variety of marine turtle species may increase the resolution of mixed stock analyses
A Abreu-Grobois, J Horrocks, A Formia, P Dutton, R LeRoux, ...
Book of Abstracts from theTwenty-Sixth Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle …, 2006
Dispersal, recruitment and migratory behaviour in a hawksbill sea turtle aggregation
X Velez-Zuazo, WD Ramos, RP Van Dam, CE Diez, A Abreu‐Grobois, ...
Molecular Ecology 17 (3), 839-853, 2008
Global phylogeography and evolution of chelonid fibropapilloma-associated herpesvirus
AR Patricio, LH Herbst, A Duarte, X Velez-Zuazo, NS Loureiro, N Pereira, ...
Journal of General Virology 93 (5), 1035-1045, 2012
Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude
GV Ashton, AL Freestone, JE Duffy, ME Torchin, BJ Sewall, B Tracy, ...
Science 376 (6598), 1215-1219, 2022
Shark fisheries in the Southeast Pacific: A 61-year analysis from Peru
A Gonzalez-Pestana, C Kouri, X Velez-Zuazo
F1000Research 3, 164, 2016
Survival probability of immature green turtles in two foraging grounds at Culebra, Puerto Rico
AR Patrício, X Velez-Zuazo, CE Diez, R Van Dam, AM Sabat
Marine Ecology Progress Series 440, 217-227, 2011
Fast growing, Healthy and Resident Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Two Neritic Sites in the Central and Northern Coast of Peru: Implications for Conservation
X Velez-Zuazo, J Quiñones, A Pacheco, L Klinge, E Paredes, Q Sixto, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e113068, 2014
An updated checklist of Chondrichthyes from the southeast Pacific off Peru
R Cornejo, X Vélez-Zuazo, A González-Pestana, C Kouri, G Mucientes
Check List 11 (6), 1809, 2015
What barcode sequencing reveals about the shark fishery in Peru
X Velez-Zuazo, J Alfaro-Shigueto, J Mangel, R Papa, I Agnarsson
Fisheries Research 161, 34-41, 2015
Population ecology and genetics of the invasive lionfish in Puerto Rico.
C Toledo-Hernández, X Vélez-Zuazo, CP Ruiz-Diaz, AR Patricio, P Mege, ...
Aquatic Invasions 9 (2), 2014
New evidence on the loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta (Linnaeus 1758) in Peru
S Kelez, X Vélez-Zuazo, C Manrique
Ecologia Aplicada 2 (1), 141-142, 2003
High incidence of mislabeling and a hint of fraud in the ceviche and sushi business
X Velez-Zuazo, J Alfaro-Shigueto, U Rosas-Puchuri, C Guidino, ...
Food Control 129, 108224, 2021
First assessment of the diet composition and trophic level of an assemblage of poorly known chondrichthyans off the central coast of Peru
L Silva-Garay, AS Pacheco, X Vélez-Zuazo
Environmental Biology of Fishes 101, 1525-1536, 2018
Olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea nesting in Peru: The southernmost records in the Eastern Pacific
S Kelez, X Velez-Zuazo, F Angulo, C Manrique
Marine Turtle Newsletter 126, 5-9, 2009
Research priorities for the conservation of chondrichthyans in Latin America
EE Becerril-García, R Arauz, M Arellano-Martínez, R Bonfil, ...
Biological Conservation 269, 109535, 2022
DNA barcoding in the Southeast Pacific marine realm: Low coverage and geographic representation despite high diversity
JL Ramirez, U Rosas-Puchuri, RM Cañedo, J Alfaro-Shigueto, P Ayon, ...
PloS one 15 (12), e0244323, 2020
Origin of the green iguana (Iguana iguana) invasion in the greater Caribbean Region and Fiji
CN De Jesús Villanueva, W Falcón, X Velez-Zuazo, R Papa, CL Malone
Biological Invasions 23, 2591-2610, 2021
First record of hybridization between green Chelonia mydas and hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata sea turtles in the Southeast Pacific
S Kelez, X Velez-Zuazo, AS Pacheco
PeerJ 4, e1712, 2016
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