Jung Bahadur Singh
Jung Bahadur Singh
Professor, Homi Bhabha National Institute & Head, Structure of Materials Section, MMD, BARC
Потвърден имейл адрес: barc.gov.in
Quantum size effects in CuO nanoparticles
K Borgohain, JB Singh, MVR Rao, T Shripathi, S Mahamuni
Physical Review B 61 (16), 11093, 2000
Growth and branching of CuO nanowires by thermal oxidation of copper
M Kaur, KP Muthe, SK Despande, S Choudhury, JB Singh, N Verma, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 289 (2), 670-675, 2006
Dry sliding of Cu–15 wt% Ni–8 wt% Sn bronze: Wear behaviour and microstructures
JB Singh, W Cai, P Bellon
Wear 263 (1-6), 830-841, 2007
High-temperature wear and deformation processes in metal matrix composites
J Singh, AT Alpas
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 27, 3135-3148, 1996
Nanoscale characterization of the transfer layer formed during dry sliding of Cu–15 wt.% Ni–8 wt.% Sn bronze alloy
JB Singh, JG Wen, P Bellon
Acta Materialia 56 (13), 3053-3064, 2008
Evolution of δ phase microstructure in alloy 718
S Mahadevan, S Nalawade, JB Singh, A Verma, B Paul, K Ramaswamy
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Superalloy 718, 737-750, 2010
Dry sliding wear mechanisms in a Ti50Ni47Fe3 intermetallic alloy
J Singh, AT Alpas
Wear 181, 302-311, 1995
A novel B19′ martensite in nickel titanium shape memory alloys
M Krishnan, JB Singh
Acta materialia 48 (6), 1325-1344, 2000
Precipitation of γ′ phase in δ-precipitated Alloy 718 during deformation at elevated temperatures
SA Nalawade, M Sundararaman, JB Singh, A Verma, R Kishore
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (12), 2906-2909, 2010
First Measurement of Baryon Production in Collisions at
J Adam, L Adamczyk, JR Adams, JK Adkins, G Agakishiev, MM Aggarwal, ...
Physical review letters 124 (17), 172301, 2020
Bulk properties of the system formed in collisions at GeV at the BNL STAR detector
J Adam, L Adamczyk, JR Adams, JK Adkins, G Agakishiev, MM Aggarwal, ...
Physical Review C 101 (2), 024905, 2020
High strain rate behavior of ultrafine-grained Al–1.5 Mg
R Kapoor, JB Singh, JK Chakravartty
Materials Science and Engineering: A 496 (1-2), 308-315, 2008
A study on cryogenic temperature ECAP on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Mg alloy
A Chatterjee, G Sharma, A Sarkar, JB Singh, JK Chakravartty
Materials Science and Engineering: A 556, 653-657, 2012
In situ straining investigation of slip transfer across α2 lamellae at room temperature in a lamellar TiAl alloy
JB Singh, G Molénat, M Sundararaman, S Banerjee, G Saada, ...
Philosophical magazine letters 86 (1), 47-60, 2006
Delineating the roles of Cr and Mo during ordering transformations in stoichiometric Ni2 (Cr1− x, Mox) alloys
A Verma, JB Singh, N Wanderka, JK Chakravartty
Acta Materialia 96, 366-377, 2015
Precipitation behaviour of γ′ phase in Alloy 693
S Khan, JB Singh, A Verma
Materials Characterization 119, 24-33, 2016
Microstructural and mechanical properties of service exposed Alloy 625 ammonia cracker tube removed after 100 000 h
JK Chakravartty, JB Singh, M Sundararaman
Materials Science and Technology 28 (6), 702-710, 2012
Evolution of order in melt-spun Ni–25at.% V alloys
JB Singh, M Sundararaman, S Banerjee, P Mukhopadhyay
Acta materialia 53 (4), 1135-1152, 2005
Microbial bioagents in agriculture: current status and prospects
AN Tripathi, BR Meena, KK Pandey, J Singh
New frontiers in stress management for durable agriculture, 331-368, 2020
Lattice parameter variation and its effect on precipitation behaviour of ordered Ni2 (Cr, Mo) phase in Ni-Cr-Mo alloys
A Verma, JB Singh, SD Kaushik, V Siruguri
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 813, 152195, 2020
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