John P. Trougakos
John P. Trougakos
Потвърден имейл адрес: utoronto.ca
Knowledge hiding in organizations
CE Connelly, D Zweig, J Webster, JP Trougakos
Journal of organizational behavior 33 (1), 64-88, 2012
Experience sampling methods: A discussion of critical trends and considerations for scholarly advancement
AS Gabriel, NP Podsakoff, DJ Beal, BA Scott, S Sonnentag, JP Trougakos, ...
Organizational Research Methods 22 (4), 969-1006, 2019
Making the break count: An episodic examination of recovery activities, emotional experiences, and positive affective displays
JP Trougakos, DJ Beal, SG Green, HM Weiss
Academy of Management journal 51 (1), 131-146, 2008
Working in a pandemic: Exploring the impact of COVID-19 health anxiety on work, family, and health outcomes.
JP Trougakos, N Chawla, JM McCarthy
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (11), 1234, 2020
Lunch breaks unpacked: The role of autonomy as a moderator of recovery during lunch
JP Trougakos, I Hideg, BH Cheng, DJ Beal
Academy of Management Journal 57 (2), 405-421, 2014
Episodic processes in emotional labor: Perceptions of affective delivery and regulation strategies.
DJ Beal, JP Trougakos, HM Weiss, SG Green
Journal of applied psychology 91 (5), 1053, 2006
Momentary work recovery: The role of within-day work breaks
JP Trougakos, I Hideg
Current perspectives on job-stress recovery, 37-84, 2009
Too drained to help: a resource depletion perspective on daily interpersonal citizenship behaviors.
JP Trougakos, DJ Beal, BH Cheng, I Hideg, D Zweig
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (1), 227, 2015
Are anxious workers less productive workers? It depends on the quality of social exchange.
JM McCarthy, JP Trougakos, BH Cheng
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (2), 279, 2016
Better together? Examining profiles of employee recovery experiences.
AA Bennett, AS Gabriel, C Calderwood, JJ Dahling, JP Trougakos
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (12), 1635, 2016
Affect spin and the emotion regulation process at work.
DJ Beal, JP Trougakos, HM Weiss, RS Dalal
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (4), 593, 2013
The recovery potential of intrinsically versus extrinsically motivated off‐job activities
LL Ten Brummelhuis, JP Trougakos
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 87 (1), 177-199, 2014
Service without a smile: Comparing the consequences of neutral and positive display rules.
JP Trougakos, CL Jackson, DJ Beal
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (2), 350, 2011
Working through an “infodemic”: The impact of COVID-19 news consumption on employee uncertainty and work behaviors.
S Yoon, ST McClean, N Chawla, JK Kim, J Koopman, CC Rosen, ...
Journal of applied psychology 106 (4), 501, 2021
Episodic intrapersonal emotion regulation: Or, dealing with life as it happens
DJ Beal, JP Trougakos
Emotional labor in the 21st century, 31-55, 2013
Influences on job search self-efficacy of spouses of enlisted military personnel
JP Trougakos, RA Bull, SG Green, SM MacDermid, HM Weiss
Human Performance 20 (4), 391-413, 2007
Too anxious to help? Off‐job affective rumination as a linking mechanism between work anxiety and helping
C Calderwood, AA Bennett, AS Gabriel, JP Trougakos, JJ Dahling
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 91 (3), 681-687, 2018
Justice in organizations: A person-centric perspective.
J Guo, DE Rupp, HM Weiss, JP Trougakos
IAP Information Age Publishing, 2011
Examining recovery experiences among working college students: A person-centered study
AS Gabriel, C Calderwood, AA Bennett, EM Wong, JJ Dahling, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 115, 103329, 2019
Emotional exhaustion across the workday: Person-level and day-level predictors of workday emotional exhaustion growth curves.
FC Lee, JM Diefendorff, MT Nolan, JP Trougakos
Journal of Applied Psychology 108 (10), 1662, 2023
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