Bekir Bora Dedeoğlu
Bekir Bora Dedeoğlu
Nevsehir Hacı Bektas Veli University; Nevsehir HBV University; Nevsehir University
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Destination service quality, affective image and revisit intention: The moderating role of past experience
C Tosun, BB Dedeoğlu, A Fyall
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 4 (4), 222-234, 2015
The impact of servicescape on hedonic value and behavioral intentions: The importance of previous experience
BB Dedeoglu, A Bilgihan, BH Ye, P Buonincontri, F Okumus
International Journal of Hospitality Management 72, 10-20, 2018
The role of servicescape and image perceptions of customers on behavioral intentions in the hotel industry
U Durna, BB Dedeoglu, S Balikçioglu
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (7), 1728-1748, 2015
Understanding the importance that consumers attach to social media sharing (ISMS): Scale development and validation
BB Dedeoğlu, B Taheri, F Okumus, M Gannon
Tourism Management 76, 103954, 2020
Relationship between ethical leadership, organizational commitment and job satisfaction at hotel organizations
S Çelik, BB Dedeoğlu, A İnanır
Ege Academic Review 15 (1), 53-64, 2015
Are information quality and source credibility really important for shared content on social media? The moderating role of gender
BB Dedeoglu
International journal of contemporary hospitality management 31 (1), 513-534, 2019
Differences in service quality perceptions of stakeholders in the hotel industry
BB Dedeoğlu, H Demirer
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (1), 130-146, 2015
Shaping tourists' destination quality perception and loyalty through destination country image: The importance of involvement and perceived value
BB Dedeoğlu
Tourism Management Perspectives 29, 105-117, 2019
Re-conceptualizing customer-based destination brand equity
BB Dedeoğlu, M Van Niekerk, J Weinland, K Celuch
Journal of destination marketing & management 11, 211-230, 2019
Effect of social media sharing on destination brand awareness and destination quality
BB Dedeoğlu, M Van Niekerk, KG Küçükergin, M De Martino, F Okumuş
Journal of Vacation Marketing 26 (1), 33-56, 2020
Residents' perceptions of hotels' corporate social responsibility initiatives and its impact on residents' sentiments to community and support for additional tourism development
D Gursoy, E Boğan, BB Dedeoğlu, C Çalışkan
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 39, 117-128, 2019
The motivations of visiting upscale restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of risk perception and trust in government
BB Dedeoğlu, E Boğan
International Journal of Hospitality Management 95, 102905, 2021
Understanding the relationships of servicescape, value, image, pleasure, and behavioral intentions among hotel customers
BB Dedeoğlu, KG Küçükergin, S Balıkçıoğlu
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 32 (sup1), S42-S61, 2015
The role of touristsʼ value perceptions in behavioral intentions: The moderating effect of gender
BB Dedeoğlu, S Balıkçıoğlu, KG Küçükergin
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 33 (4), 513-534, 2016
Hotel employees' corporate social responsibility perception and organizational citizenship behavior: Perceived external prestige and pride in organization as serial mediators
E Boğan, BB Dedeoğlu
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2020
Psychological factors affecting the behavioral intention of the tourist visiting Southeastern Anatolia
S Çelik, BB Dedeoğlu
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 2 (4), 425-450, 2019
Gender and generation as antecedents of food neophobia and food neophilia
B Okumus, BB Dedeoğlu, F Shi
Tourism Management Perspectives 37, 100773, 2021
The impact of burnout on organizational commitment: A study of public sector employees in Turkey
M Sarisik, E Bogan, B Zengin, BB Dedeoglu
Journal of global business insights 4 (2), 106-118, 2019
Role of place image in support for tourism development: The mediating role of multi‐dimensional impacts
C Tosun, BB Dedeoğlu, C Çalışkan, Y Karakuş
International Journal of Tourism Research 23 (3), 268-286, 2021
An overview of the destination physical servicescape with SOR paradigm: The importance of prestige sensitivity
KG Kucukergin, FN Kucukergin, BB Dedeoglu
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 25 (5), 473-488, 2020
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