Televisión de proximidad en Europa: experiencias de descentralización en la era digital P Arvidson Universitat de València, 1999 | 72 | 1999 |
The invention of a ‘drug of mass destruction’: Deconstructing the EPO myth B López Sport in history 31 (1), 84-109, 2011 | 62 | 2011 |
Creating fear: the ‘doping deaths’, risk communication and the anti-doping campaign B López International journal of sport policy and politics 6 (2), 213-225, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Creating fear: The social construction of human Growth Hormone as a dangerous doping drug B López International Review for the Sociology of Sport 48 (2), 220-237, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Television on Your Doorstep: Decentralization Experiences in the European Union CG Garnacho Indiana University Press, 1999 | 30 | 1999 |
España: consolidación del modelo autonómico en la era multicanal B López, J Risquete-Sánchez, E Castelló Televisión de proximidad en Europa: experiencias de descentralización en la …, 1999 | 24 | 1999 |
Doping as technology: a rereading of the history of performance-enhancing substance use in the light of Brian Winston's interpretative model for technological continuity and change B López International journal of sport policy and Politics 4 (1), 55-71, 2012 | 22 | 2012 |
Televisión de proximidad en Europa M Moragas, C Garitaonandía, B López Experiencias de descentralización en la era digital (Proximity television in …, 1999 | 21 | 1999 |
Sport, media, politics and nationalism on the eve of the Spanish Civil War: the first Vuelta Ciclista a Espana (1935) B López The International Journal of the History of Sport 27 (4), 635-657, 2010 | 19 | 2010 |
Spain: consolidation of the autonomic system in mulyichannel era B López, J Risquete, E Castelló Television on your doorstep, 333-389, 1999 | 14 | 1999 |
Decentralization processes and “proximate television” in Europe MDEM SPÀ, B Lopez The New Communications Landscape, 49-68, 2003 | 13* | 2003 |
‘The Good, Pure Old Days’: Cyclist's Switching Appraisals of Doping before and after Retirement as Claims Making in the Construction of Doping as a Social Problem B López The International Journal of the History of Sport 31 (17), 2141-2157, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Un diablo llamado dopaje V Møller Cultura Ciclista, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Les polítiques de comunicació M Moragas Spà, I Fernández Alonso Informe de la Comunicació a Catalunya, 217-231, 2007 | 11 | 2007 |
Televisión de proximidad y culturas minoritarias: complejidades de una relación B Lopez Comunicação apresentada no congresso Comunicação e Cultura, Santiago de …, 1998 | 11 | 1998 |
Spain: The contradictions of the autonomous model B López, M Corominas Decentralization in the global era. London: John Libbey, 1995 | 11 | 1995 |
Televisión de proximidad en Europa M DE MORAGAS, C Garitano-Endia, B López Experiencias de descentralización en la Era Digital. Barcelona, España …, 1999 | 10 | 1999 |
Internet and local communications: first experiences in Catalonia M Moragas, D Domingo, B López Community media in the information age, 2002 | 9 | 2002 |
Regional and local television in the digital era: Reasons for optimism M De Moragas Spà, C Garitaonandía, B López Television on Your Doorstep: Decentralization Experiences in the European …, 1999 | 9 | 1999 |
From needle phobia to doping phobia: Can the fear of injections help us understand anti-dopism? B López Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 24 (3), 314-320, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |