Elizabeth Hulme Berezovsky
Elizabeth Hulme Berezovsky
Postdoctoral Fellow at Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute
Потвърден имейл адрес: ccf.org
Proprioceptive coupling within motor neurons drives C. elegans forward locomotion
Q Wen, MD Po, E Hulme, S Chen, X Liu, SW Kwok, M Gershow, AM Leifer, ...
neuron 76 (4), 750-761, 2012
A microfabricated array of clamps for immobilizing and imaging C. elegans
SE Hulme, SS Shevkoplyas, J Apfeld, W Fontana, GM Whitesides
Lab on a Chip 7 (11), 1515-1523, 2007
Lifespan-on-a-chip: microfluidic chambers for performing lifelong observation of C. elegans
SE Hulme, SS Shevkoplyas, AP McGuigan, J Apfeld, W Fontana, ...
Lab on a Chip 10 (5), 589-597, 2010
Chemistry and the Worm: Caenorhabditis elegans as a Platform for Integrating Chemical and Biological Research
SE Hulme, GM Whitesides
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 50 (21), 4774-4807, 2011
A microfluidic device for whole-animal drug screening using electrophysiological measures in the nematode C. elegans
SR Lockery, SE Hulme, WM Roberts, KJ Robinson, A Laromaine, ...
Lab on a Chip 12 (12), 2211-2220, 2012
Incorporation of prefabricated screw, pneumatic, and solenoid valves into microfluidic devices
SE Hulme, SS Shevkoplyas, GM Whitesides
Lab on a Chip 9 (1), 79-86, 2009
Using ratchets and sorters to fractionate motile cells of Escherichia coli by length
SE Hulme, WR DiLuzio, SS Shevkoplyas, L Turner, M Mayer, HC Berg, ...
Lab on a Chip 8 (11), 1888-1895, 2008
The Core Apoptotic Executioner Proteins CED-3 and CED-4 Promote Initiation of Neuronal Regeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans
B Pinan-Lucarre, CV Gabel, CP Reina, SE Hulme, SS Shevkoplyas, ...
PLoS biology 10 (5), e1001331, 2012
Microfluidics: streamlining discovery in worm biology
SE Hulme, SS Shevkoplyas, A Samuel
nature methods 5 (7), 589-590, 2008
Density analysis of organisms by magnetic levitation
GM Whitesides, AL Sagué, R Derda, CR Mace, KA Mirica, AR Cecco, ...
US Patent App. 14/223,963, 2014
Die Chemie und der Wurm: Caenorhabditis elegans als Plattform für das Zusammenführen von chemischer und biologischer Forschung
SE Hulme, GM Whitesides
Angewandte Chemie 123 (21), 4870-4906, 2011
Membrane protein dynamics measured by two-photon ring correlation spectroscopy: Theory and application to living cells
B Hebert, SE Hulme, PW Wiseman
Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences V 5700, 109-117, 2005
Caenorhabditis elegans
B Pinan-Lucarre, CV Gabel, CP Reina, SE Hulme, SS Shevkoplyas, ...
Microfluidic tools for studying the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
SE Hulme
Harvard University, 2010
Chemical Biology
SE Hulme
Dalton Trans 6071 (6082), 6089, 2008
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