Characterization of liquid crystal polymer (LCP) material and transmission lines on LCP substrates from 30 to 110 GHz DC Thompson, O Tantot, H Jallageas, GE Ponchak, MM Tentzeris, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 52 (4), 1343-1352, 2004
675 2004 Pattern and frequency reconfigurable annular slot antenna using PIN diodes S Nikolaou, R Bairavasubramanian, C Lugo, I Carrasquillo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (2), 439-448, 2006
482 2006 Miniaturized Wilkinson power dividers utilizing capacitive loading MC Scardelletti, GE Ponchak, TM Weller
IEEE microwave and wireless components letters 12 (1), 6-8, 2002
314 2002 Design, fabrication, and measurements of an RF-MEMS-based self-similar reconfigurable antenna DE Anagnostou, G Zheng, MT Chryssomallis, JC Lyke, GE Ponchak, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (2), 422-432, 2006
292 2006 UWB elliptical monopoles with a reconfigurable band notch using MEMS switches actuated without bias lines S Nikolaou, ND Kingsley, GE Ponchak, J Papapolymerou, MM Tentzeris
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (8), 2242-2251, 2009
256 2009 A new model for broadband waveguide to microstrip transition design GE Ponchak, AN Downey
237 1986 0.4 μm spatial resolution with 1 GHz evanescent microwave probe M Tabib-Azar, DP Su, A Pohar, SR LeClair, G Ponchak
Review of Scientific Instruments 70 (3), 1725-1729, 1999
158 1999 Theoretical and experimental characterization of coplanar waveguide discontinuities for filter applications NI Dib, LPB Katehi, GE Ponchak, RN Simons
IEEE Transactions on Microwave theory and Techniques 39 (5), 873-882, 2002
154 2002 Conformal double exponentially tapered slot antenna (DETSA) on LCP for UWB applications S Nikolaou, GE Ponchak, J Papapolymerou, MM Tentzeris
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (6), 1663-1669, 2006
152 2006 Liquid crystal polymer (LCP): A new organic material for the development of multilayer dual-frequency/dual-polarization flexible antenna arrays G DeJean, R Bairavasubramanian, D Thompson, GE Ponchak, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 4, 22-26, 2005
151 2005 Characterization of thin film microstrip lines on polyimide GE Ponchak, AN Downey
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology …, 1998
149 1998 Nondestructive superresolution imaging of defects and nonuniformities in metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, composites, and plants using evanescent microwaves M Tabib-Azar, PS Pathak, G Ponchak, S LeClair
Review of Scientific Instruments 70 (6), 2783-2792, 1999
146 1999 Modeling of some coplanar waveguide discontinuities RN Simons, GE Ponchak
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 36 (12), 1796-1803, 1988
143 1988 A new rectangular waveguide to coplanar waveguide transition GE Ponchak, RN Simons
1990 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 1990
135 1990 Low-loss CPW on low-resistivity Si substrates with a micromachined polyimide interface layer for RFIC interconnects GE Ponchak, A Margomenos, LPB Katehi
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 49 (5), 866-870, 2002
128 2002 The use of metal filled via holes for improving isolation in LTCC RF and wireless multichip packages GE Ponchak, D Chun, JG Yook, LPB Katehi
IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging 23 (1), 88-99, 2000
119 2000 A 60-GHz CPW-fed high-gain and broadband integrated horn antenna B Pan, Y Li, GE Ponchak, J Papapolymerou, MM Tentzeris
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (4), 1050-1056, 2009
100 2009 Reconfigurable RF MEMS phased array antenna integrated within a liquid crystal polymer (LCP) system-on-package N Kingsley, GE Ponchak, J Papapolymerou
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 56 (1), 108-118, 2008
96 2008 GaAs MMIC reliability assurance guideline for space applications S Kayali, G Ponchak, R Shaw
JPL Publication 96, 25, 1996
96 1996 A 60-GHz active receiving switched-beam antenna array with integrated butler matrix and GaAs amplifiers CE Patterson, WT Khan, GE Ponchak, GS May, J Papapolymerou
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 60 (11), 3599-3607, 2012
93 2012