Aradhi Keshav Krishna
Aradhi Keshav Krishna
Потвърден имейл адрес: ngri.res.in
Assessment of heavy metal pollution in water using multivariate statistical techniques in an industrial area: a case study from Patancheru, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, India
AK Krishna, M Satyanarayanan, PK Govil
Journal of hazardous materials 167 (1), 366-373, 2009
Soil contamination due to heavy metals from an industrial area of Surat, Gujarat, Western India
AK Krishna, PK Govil
Environmental monitoring and assessment 124, 263-275, 2007
Heavy metal contamination of soil around Pali industrial area, Rajasthan, India
AK Krishna, PK Govil
Environmental Geology 47 (1), 38-44, 2004
Multielement analysis of soils by wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
AK Krishna, NN Murthy, PK Govil
Atomic Spectroscopy-norwalk Connecticut- 28 (6), 202, 2007
Distribution, correlation, ecological and health risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface soils around an industrial area, Hyderabad, India
A Keshav Krishna, K Rama Mohan
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-17, 2016
Contamination of soil due to heavy metals in the Patancheru industrial development area, Andhra Pradesh, India
PK Govil, GLN Reddy, AK Krishna
Environmental Geology 41 (3-4), 461-469, 2001
Enriched and depleted arc basalts, with Mg-andesites and adakites: a potential paired arc–back-arc of the 2.6 Ga Hutti greenstone terrane, India
C Manikyamba, R Kerrich, TC Khanna, M Satyanarayanan, AK Krishna
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (6), 1711-1736, 2009
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soils around Manali industrial area, Chennai, Southern India
AK Krishna, PK Govil
Environmental Geology 54, 1465-1472, 2008
Heavy metal distribution and contamination in soils of Thane–Belapur industrial development area, Mumbai, Western India
AK Krishna, PK Govil
Environmental Geology 47, 1054-1061, 2005
Soil contamination of heavy metals in the Katedan industrial development area, Hyderabad, India
PK Govil, JE Sorlie, NN Murthy, D Sujatha, GLN Reddy, K Rudolph-Lund, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 140, 313-323, 2008
Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soils around chromite mining areas, Nuggihalli, Karnataka, India
AK Krishna, KR Mohan, NN Murthy, V Periasamy, G Bipinkumar, ...
Environ Earth Sci 70, 699–708, 2013
Geochemical systematics of komatiite–tholeiite and adakitic-arc basalt associations: The role of a mantle plume and convergent margin in formation of the Sandur Superterrane …
C Manikyamba, R Kerrich, TC Khanna, AK Krishna, M Satyanarayanan
Lithos 106 (1-2), 155-172, 2008
Risk assessment of heavy metals and their source distribution in waters of a contaminated industrial site
AK Krishna, KR Mohan
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21 (5), 3653-3669, 2014
Assessment of soil and groundwater contamination by heavy metals and metalloids in Russian and Indian megacities
IV Galitskaya, KR Mohan, AK Krishna, GI Batrak, ON Eremina, VS Putilina, ...
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 17, 674-677, 2017
Rapid quantitative determination of major and trace elements in silicate rocks and soils employing fused glass discs using wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
AK Krishna, TC Khanna, KR Mohan
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 122, 165-171, 2016
Assessment of soil contamination in Patancheru industrial area, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
B Dasaram, M Satyanarayanan, V Sudarshan, AK Krishna
Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 3 (3), 214-220, 2011
Chitosan film loaded with silver nanoparticles—sorbent for solid phase extraction of Al (III), Cd (II), Cu (II), Co (II), Fe (III), Ni (II), Pb (II) and Zn (II)
L Djerahov, P Vasileva, I Karadjova, RM Kurakalva, KK Aradhi
Carbohydrate polymers 147, 45-52, 2016
A multivariate statistical approach for monitoring of heavy metals in sediments: a case study from Wailpalli Watershed, Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh, India
AK Krishna, KR Mohan, NN Murthy
Res J Environ Earth Sci 3 (2), 103-113, 2011
Arc picrite–potassic adakitic–shoshonitic volcanic association of the Neoarchean Sigegudda greenstone terrane, western Dharwar craton: Transition from arc wedge to lithosphere …
C Manikyambaa, R Kerrichb, A Polatc, K Rajua, M Satyanarayanana, ...
Precambrian Research, 207-224, 2012
Evolution of ca. 2.5 Ga Dongargarh volcano-sedimentary Supergroup, Bastar craton, Central India: Constraints from zircon U-Pb geochronology, bulk-rock geochemistry and Hf-Nd …
TC Khanna, M Bizimis, DL Barbeau Jr, AK Krishna, VVS Sai
Earth-Science Reviews 190, 273-309, 2019
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