Andrew Nelson
Andrew Nelson
Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, ANSTO
Потвърден имейл адрес: ansto.gov.au
SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python
P Virtanen, R Gommers, TE Oliphant, M Haberland, T Reddy, ...
Nature methods 17 (3), 261-272, 2020
LMFIT: Non-linear least-square minimization and curve-fitting for Python
M Newville, T Stensitzki, DB Allen, M Rawlik, A Ingargiola, A Nelson
Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl: 1606.014, 2016
Co-refinement of multiple-contrast neutron/X-ray reflectivity data using MOTOFIT
A Nelson
Journal of applied crystallography 39 (2), 273-276, 2006
emcee v3: A Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC
OAP Daniel Foreman-Mackey, Will M. Farr, Manodeep Sinha, Anne M. Archibald ...
Journal of Open Source Software 4, 1864, 2019
Effect of functionalized gold nanoparticles on floating lipid bilayers
S Tatur, M Maccarini, R Barker, A Nelson, G Fragneto
Langmuir 29 (22), 6606-6614, 2013
The multipurpose time-of-flight neutron reflectometer “Platypus” at Australia's OPAL reactor
M James, A Nelson, SA Holt, T Saerbeck, WA Hamilton, F Klose
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Elimination of undesirable water layers in solid-contact polymeric ion-selective electrodes
JP Veder, R De Marco, G Clarke, R Chester, A Nelson, K Prince, ...
Analytical chemistry 80 (17), 6731-6740, 2008
A small-angle neutron scattering study of adsorbed poly (ethylene oxide) on laponite
A Nelson, T Cosgrove
Langmuir 20 (6), 2298-2304, 2004
lmfit/lmfit-py: 1.0. 3
M Newville, R Otten, A Nelson, A Ingargiola, T Stensitzki, D Allan, A Fox, ...
Zenodo, 2021
refnx: neutron and X-ray reflectometry analysis in Python
A Nelson, S Prescott
Journal of Applied Crystallography 52 (1), 2019
Evidence of a water layer in solid-contact polymeric ion sensors
R De Marco, JP Veder, G Clarke, A Nelson, K Prince, E Pretsch, E Bakker
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (1), 73-76, 2008
Structure of [C4mpyr][NTf2] Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid at Charged Gold Interfaces
Y Lauw, MD Horne, T Rodopoulos, V Lockett, B Akgun, WA Hamilton, ...
Langmuir 28 (19), 7374-7381, 2012
Dynamic light scattering studies of poly (ethylene oxide) adsorbed on laponite: Layer conformation and its effect on particle stability
A Nelson, T Cosgrove
Langmuir 20 (24), 10382-10388, 2004
Electrical double-layer capacitance in room temperature ionic liquids: ion-size and specific adsorption effects
Y Lauw, MD Horne, T Rodopoulos, A Nelson, FAM Leermakers
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (34), 11149-11154, 2010
Motofit–integrating neutron reflectometry acquisition, reduction and analysis into one, easy to use, package
A Nelson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 251, 012094, 2010
Small-angle neutron scattering study of adsorbed pluronic tri-block copolymers on laponite
A Nelson, T Cosgrove
Langmuir 21 (20), 9176-9182, 2005
NMR solvent relaxation in studies of multicomponent polymer adsorption
A Nelson, KS Jack, T Cosgrove, D Kozak
Langmuir 18 (7), 2750-2755, 2002
A multilayered approach to polyfluorene water-based organic photovoltaics
A Stapleton, B Vaughan, B Xue, E Sesa, K Burke, X Zhou, G Bryant, ...
Solar energy materials and solar cells 102, 114-124, 2012
Molecularly Engineered Intrinsically Healable and Stretchable Conducting Polymers
P Baek, N Aydemir, Y An, EWC Chan, A Sokolova, A Nelson, J Mata, ...
Chemistry of Materials, 2017
Structure of the ethylammonium nitrate surface: An X-ray reflectivity and vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy study
P Niga, D Wakeham, A Nelson, GG Warr, M Rutland, R Atkin
Langmuir 26 (11), 8282-8288, 2010
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