Aukje Nauta
A theory‐based measure of conflict management strategies in the workplace
CKW De Dreu, A Evers, B Beersma, ES Kluwer, A Nauta
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001
Self-interest and other-orientation in organizational behavior: implications for job performance, prosocial behavior, and personal initiative.
CKW De Dreu, A Nauta
Journal of applied psychology 94 (4), 913, 2009
Understanding the factors that promote employability orientation: the impact of employability culture, career satisfaction, and role breadth self‐efficacy
A Nauta, A Van Vianen, B Van der Heijden, K Van Dam, M Willemsen
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 82 (2), 233-251, 2009
Job-search strategies and reemployment quality: The impact of career adaptability
J Koen, UC Klehe, AEM Van Vianen, J Zikic, A Nauta
Journal of Vocational Behavior 77 (1), 126-139, 2010
Social comparisons at work as related to a cooperative social climate and to individual differences in social comparison orientation
BP Buunk, R Zurriaga, JM Peíró, A Nauta, I Gosalvez
Applied Psychology 54 (1), 61-80, 2005
Constructive conflict at work
E Van de Vliert, A Nauta, E Giebels, O Janssen
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 1999
Social value orientation, organizational goal concerns and interdepartmental problem‐solving behavior
A Nauta, CKW De Dreu, T Van Der Vaart
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2002
Person-job fit applied to teamwork: A multilevel approach
E Molleman, A Nauta, KA Jehn
Small Group Research 35 (5), 515-539, 2004
Self‐Serving Evaluations of Conflict Behavior and Escalation of the Dispute1
CKW De Dreu, A Nauta, E Van de Vliert
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 25 (23), 2049-2066, 1995
The effects of conflict asymmetry on mediation outcomes: Satisfaction, work motivation and absenteeism
KA Jehn, J Rupert, A Nauta
International Journal of Conflict Management 17 (2), 96-109, 2006
The structure and management of conflict: Fighting or defending the status quo
CKW De Dreu, ES Kluwer, A Nauta
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 11 (3), 331-353, 2008
Free-riding and team performance in project education
GC Ruël, A Nauta, N Bastiaans
Interdepartmental negotiation behavior in manufacturing organizations
A Nauta, K Sanders
International Journal of Conflict Management 11 (2), 135-161, 2000
Social cohesiveness and absenteeism: The relationship between characteristics of employees and short-term absenteeism within an organization
K Sanders, A Nauta
Small Group Research 35 (6), 724-741, 2004
Causes and consequences of perceived goal differences between departments within manufacturing organizations
A Nauta, K Sanders
Journal of occupational and Organizational Psychology 74 (3), 321-342, 2001
The effectiveness of mixing problem solving and forcing
E Van de Vliert, A Nauta, MC Euwema, O Janssen
Using conflict in organizations, 38-52, 1997
De mythe doorbroken: Gezondheid en inzetbaarheid oudere werknemers
A Nauta
Hoofddorp: TNO, 2004
Why intraindividual needs are not enough: Human motivation is primarily social
BP Buunk, A Nauta
Psychological Inquiry 11 (4), 279-283, 2000
The use of questionnaires in conflict research
E Kluwer, A Nauta
International Negotiation 9 (3), 457-470, 2004
Social comparison‐based thoughts in groups: Their associations with interpersonal trust and learning outcomes
E Molleman, A Nauta, BP Buunk
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 37 (6), 1163-1180, 2007
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