TJ Hammond
Linking high harmonics from gases and solids
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thiré, BE Schmidt, F Légaré, CR McDonald, ...
Nature 522 (7557), 462-464, 2015
All-optical reconstruction of crystal band structure
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thiré, BE Schmidt, F Légaré, CR McDonald, ...
Physical review letters 115 (19), 193603, 2015
Creating high-harmonic beams with controlled orbital angular momentum
G Gariepy, J Leach, KT Kim, TJ Hammond, E Frumker, RW Boyd, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FTh2A.1, 2014
Plasmon-enhanced high-harmonic generation from silicon
G Vampa, BG Ghamsari, S Siadat Mousavi, TJ Hammond, A Olivieri, ...
Nature Physics 13 (7), 659-662, 2017
Controlling the orbital angular momentum of high harmonic vortices
F Kong, C Zhang, F Bouchard, Z Li, GG Brown, DH Ko, TJ Hammond, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14970, 2017
Strong-field optoelectronics in solids
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, M Taucer, X Ding, X Ropagnol, T Ozaki, ...
Nature photonics 12 (8), 465-468, 2018
XUV frequency combs via femtosecond enhancement cavities
AK Mills, TJ Hammond, MHC Lam, DJ Jones
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (14), 142001, 2012
Cavity-enhanced high harmonic generation for extreme ultraviolet time-and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
AK Mills, S Zhdanovich, MX Na, F Boschini, E Razzoli, M Michiardi, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (8), 2019
Attosecond pulses measured from the attosecond lighthouse
TJ Hammond, GG Brown, KT Kim, DM Villeneuve, PB Corkum
Nature Photonics 10 (3), 171-175, 2016
Nonperturbative harmonic generation in graphene from intense midinfrared pulsed light
M Taucer, TJ Hammond, PB Corkum, G Vampa, C Couture, N Thire, ...
Physical Review B 96 (19), 195420, 2017
Applications of ultrafast wavefront rotation in highly nonlinear optics
F Quéré, H Vincenti, A Borot, S Monchocé, TJ Hammond, KT Kim, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (12), 124004, 2014
Harmonic generation in solids with direct fiber laser pumping
KF Lee, X Ding, TJ Hammond, ME Fermann, G Vampa, PB Corkum
Optics letters 42 (6), 1113-1116, 2017
Integrating solids and gases for attosecond pulse generation
TJ Hammond, S Monchocé, C Zhang, G Vampa, D Klug, AY Naumov, ...
Nature Photonics 11 (9), 594-599, 2017
A gauge-invariant formulation of interband and intraband currents in solids
G Ernotte, TJ Hammond, M Taucer
Physical Review B 98 (23), 235202, 2018
Vectorizing the spatial structure of high-harmonic radiation from gas
F Kong, C Zhang, H Larocque, Z Li, F Bouchard, DH Ko, GG Brown, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2020, 2019
Wavelength scaling of high harmonic generation for 267 nm, 400 nm and 800 nm driving laser pulses
C Marceau, TJ Hammond, AY Naumov, PB Corkum, DM Villeneuve
Journal of Physics Communications 1 (1), 015009, 2017
Light amplification by seeded Kerr instability
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, M Nesrallah, AY Naumov, PB Corkum, T Brabec
Science 359 (6376), 673-675, 2018
Near-threshold harmonics from a femtosecond enhancement cavity-based EUV source: effects of multiple quantum pathways on spatial profile and yield
TJ Hammond, AK Mills, DJ Jones
Optics Express 19 (25), 24871-24883, 2011
Generation of high harmonics from silicon
G Vampa, TJ Hammond, N Thiré, BE Schmidt, F Légaré, DD Klug, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.06345, 2016
Simple method to determine dispersion of high-finesse optical cavities
TJ Hammond, AK Mills, DJ Jones
Optics Express 17 (11), 8998-9005, 2009
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