Martin Radtke
Martin Radtke
BAM Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
Потвърден имейл адрес: bam.de
Synchrotron radiation X‐Ray fluorescence at the LNLS: beamline instrumentation and experiments
CA Pérez, M Radtke, HJ Sánchez, H Tolentino, RT Neuenshwander, ...
X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 28 (5), 320-326, 1999
Compact pnCCD-based X-ray camera with high spatial and energy resolution: a color X-ray camera
O Scharf, S Ihle, I Ordavo, V Arkadiev, A Bjeoumikhov, S Bjeoumikhova, ...
Analytical chemistry 83 (7), 2532-2538, 2011
A new pnCCD-based color X-ray camera for fast spatial and energy-resolved measurements
I Ordavo, S Ihle, V Arkadiev, O Scharf, H Soltau, A Bjeoumikhov, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Layout and first XRF applications of the BAMline at BESSY II
H Riesemeier, K Ecker, W Görner, BR Müller, M Radtke, M Krumrey
X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 34 (2), 160-163, 2005
Analysis of Ni on Si-wafer surfaces using synchrotron radiation excited total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis
P Wobrauschek, R Görgl, P Kregsamer, C Streli, S Pahlke, L Fabry, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 52 (7), 901-906, 1997
Burbankite, a (Sr, REE, Na, Ca)-carbonate in fluid inclusions from carbonatite-derived fluids: Identification and characterization using Laser Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDX, and …
B Bühn, AH Rankin, M Radtke, M Haller, A Knoechel
American Mineralogist 84 (7-8), 1117-1125, 1999
Determining Structure‐Activity Relationships in Oxide Derived CuSn Catalysts During CO2 Electroreduction Using X‐Ray Spectroscopy
LC Pardo Pérez, A Arndt, S Stojkovikj, IY Ahmet, JT Arens, F Dattila, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (5), 2103328, 2022
The non-destructive determination of REE in fossilized bone using synchrotron radiation induced K-line X-ray microfluorescence analysis
K Janssens, L Vincze, B Vekemans, CT Williams, M Radtke, M Haller, ...
Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 363, 413-420, 1999
Analysis of trace elements in gold alloys by SR-XRF at high energy at the BAMline
MF Guerra, M Radtke, I Reiche, H Riesemeier, E Strub
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2008
On the chemistry of gold in silicate glasses: studies on a nonthermally activated growth of gold nanoparticles
M Eichelbaum, K Rademann, R Muller, M Radtke, H Riesemeier, ...
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 44 (48), 7905-7908, 2005
Fingerprinting ancient gold by measuring Pt with spatially resolved high energy Sy-XRF
MF Guerra, T Calligaro, M Radtke, I Reiche, H Riesemeier
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2005
Deterioration mechanism of alkali-activated materials in sulfuric acid and the influence of Cu: A micro-to-nano structural, elemental and stable isotopic multi-proxy study
C Grengg, GJG Gluth, F Mittermayr, N Ukrainczyk, M Bertmer, ...
Cem. Concr. Res 142 (106373), 10.1016, 2021
A multi-analytical approach to gold in Ancient Egypt: studies on provenance and corrosion
I Tissot, LG Troalen, M Manso, M Ponting, M Radtke, U Reinholz, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 108, 75-82, 2015
Iodine in alluvial platinum–palladium nuggets: Evidence for biogenic precious-metal fixation
AR Cabral, M Radtke, F Munnik, B Lehmann, U Reinholz, H Riesemeier, ...
Chemical Geology 281 (1-2), 125-132, 2011
Micro-SR-XRF and micro-PIXE studies for archaeological gold identification–The case of Carpathian (Transylvanian) gold and of Dacian bracelets
B Constantinescu, R Bugoi, V Cojocaru, M Radtke, T Calligaro, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2008
TXRF with synchrotron radiation Analysis of Ni on Si-wafer surfaces
P Wobrauschek, P Kregsamer, W Ladisich, C Streli, S Pahlke, L Fabry, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1995
Real-time monitoring of copolymer stabilized growing gold nanoparticles
J Polte, F Emmerling, M Radtke, U Reinholz, H Riesemeier, ...
Langmuir 26 (8), 5889-5894, 2010
Discovering vanished paints and naturally formed gold nanoparticles on 2800 years old Phoenician ivories using SR-FF-microXRF with the Color X-ray Camera
I Reiche, K Müller, M Albéric, O Scharf, A Wähning, A Bjeoumikhov, ...
Analytical chemistry 85 (12), 5857-5866, 2013
Spatially resolved synchrotron-induced X-ray fluorescence analyses of metal point drawings and their mysterious inscriptions
I Reiche, M Radtke, A Berger, W Görner, T Ketelsen, S Merchel, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 59 (10-11), 1657-1662, 2004
Characterization of the silver coins of the Hoard of Beçin by X-ray based methods
M Rodrigues, M Schreiner, M Melcher, M Guerra, J Salomon, M Radtke, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2011
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