Vasile-Dan Hodoroaba
Vasile-Dan Hodoroaba
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)
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Influence of agglomeration and aggregation on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles
F Pellegrino, L Pellutiè, F Sordello, C Minero, E Ortel, VD Hodoroaba, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 216, 80-87, 2017
Characterization of nanoparticles by scanning electron microscopy
AE Vladár, VD Hodoroaba
Characterization of nanoparticles, 7-27, 2020
How reliably can a material be classified as a nanomaterial? Available particle-sizing techniques at work
F Babick, J Mielke, W Wohlleben, S Weigel, VD Hodoroaba
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 18, 1-40, 2016
High-resolution imaging with SEM/T-SEM, EDX and SAM as a combined methodical approach for morphological and elemental analyses of single engineered nanoparticles
S Rades, VD Hodoroaba, T Salge, T Wirth, MP Lobera, RH Labrador, ...
RSC advances 4 (91), 49577-49587, 2014
Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles: Synthesis, characterization, catalytic application and assessment of toxicity
M Neamtu, C Nadejde, VD Hodoroaba, RJ Schneider, L Verestiuc, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6278, 2018
Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
VD Hodoroaba
Characterization of nanoparticles, 397-417, 2020
Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry: moving towards reliable thin film analysis–a short review
J Angeli, A Bengtson, A Bogaerts, V Hoffmann, VD Hodoroaba, E Steers
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 18 (6), 670-679, 2003
Beyond Shape Engineering of TiO2 Nanoparticles: Post-Synthesis Treatment Dependence of Surface Hydration, Hydroxylation, Lewis Acidity and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO …
L Mino, F Pellegrino, S Rades, J Radnik, VD Hodoroaba, G Spoto, ...
ACS Applied Nano Materials 1 (9), 5355-5365, 2018
Reliable nanomaterial classification of powders using the volume-specific surface area method
W Wohlleben, J Mielke, A Bianchin, A Ghanem, H Freiberger, H Rauscher, ...
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 19, 1-16, 2017
Present possibilities of thin‐layer analysis by GDOES
V Hoffmann, R Dorka, L Wilken, VD Hodoroaba, K Wetzig
Surface and Interface Analysis: An International Journal devoted to the …, 2003
Investigations of the effect of hydrogen in an argon glow dischargePresented at the 2000 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, January 10–15 …
VD Hodoroaba, V Hoffmann, EBM Steers, K Wetzig
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 15 (9), 1075-1080, 2000
Formic Acid Photoreforming for Hydrogen Production on Shape-Controlled Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles: Assessment of the Role of Fluorides, {101}/{001} Surfaces …
F Pellegrino, F Sordello, L Mino, C Minero, VD Hodoroaba, G Martra, ...
ACS Catalysis 9 (8), 6692-6697, 2019
Shape-engineered titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs): cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in bronchial epithelial cells
M Gea, S Bonetta, L Iannarelli, AM Giovannozzi, V Maurino, S Bonetta, ...
Food and Chemical Toxicology 127, 89-100, 2019
Emission spectra of copper and argon in an argon glow discharge containing small quantities of hydrogen
VD Hodoroaba, V Hoffmann, EBM Steers, K Wetzig
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 15 (8), 951-958, 2000
Characterization of nanoparticles: measurement processes for nanoparticles
VD Hodoroaba, W Unger, A Shard
Elsevier, 2019
Performance of high-resolution SEM/EDX systems equipped with transmission mode (TSEM) for imaging and measurement of size and size distribution of spherical nanoparticles
VD Hodoroaba, C Motzkus, T Macé, S Vaslin-Reimann
Microscopy and microanalysis 20 (2), 602-612, 2014
Influence of gelatin coatings on compressive strength of porous hydroxyapatite ceramics
M Dreßler, F Dombrowski, U Simon, J Börnstein, VD Hodoroaba, M Feigl, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 31 (4), 523-529, 2011
Characterisation of nanoparticles by means of high-resolution SEM/EDS in transmission mode
VD Hodoroaba, S Rades, T Salge, J Mielke, E Ortel, R Schmidt
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 109 (1), 012006, 2016
Inspection of morphology and elemental imaging of single nanoparticles by high‐resolution SEM/EDX in transmission mode
VD Hodoroaba, S Rades, WES Unger
Surface and interface analysis 46 (10-11), 945-948, 2014
The determination of the efficiency of energy dispersive X-ray spectrometers by a new reference material
M Alvisi, M Blome, M Griepentrog, VD Hodoroaba, P Karduck, M Mostert, ...
Microscopy and microanalysis 12 (5), 406-415, 2006
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