Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur-208024, UP,India
Потвърден имейл адрес: csjmu.ac.in
Multifaceted interactions between endophytes and plant: developments and prospects
E Khare, J Mishra, NK Arora
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2732, 2018
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: constraints in bioformulation, commercialization, and future strategies
NK Arora, E Khare, DK Maheshwari
Plant growth and health promoting bacteria, 97-116, 2011
Effect of Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) Produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Suppression of Charcoal Rot Disease of Chickpea
E Khare, NK Arora
Current microbiology 61, 64-68, 2010
Diverse mechanisms adopted by fluorescent Pseudomonas PGC2 during the inhibition of Rhizoctonia solani and Phytophthora capsici
NK Arora, E Khare, JH Oh, SC Kang, DK Maheshwari
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 24, 581-585, 2008
Revisiting the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria: lessons from the past and objectives for the future
A Aeron, E Khare, CK Jha, VS Meena, SMA Aziz, MT Islam, K Kim, ...
Archives of microbiology 202, 665-676, 2020
Sawdust as a superior carrier for production of multipurpose bioinoculant using plant growth promoting rhizobial and pseudomonad strains and their impact on productivity of …
NK Arora, E Khare, R Naraian, DK Maheshwari
Current Science, 90-94, 2008
Effects of soil environment on field efficacy of microbial inoculants
E Khare, NK Arora
Plant microbes symbiosis: applied facets, 353-381, 2014
Effect of Al and heavy metals on enzymes of nitrogen metabolism of fast and slow growing rhizobia under explanta conditions
NK Arora, E Khare, S Singh, DK Maheshwari
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 26, 811-816, 2010
Dual activity of pyocyanin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa — antibiotic against phytopathogen and signal molecule for biofilm development by rhizobia
E Khare, NK Arora
Canadian journal of microbiology 57 (9), 708-713, 2011
Suppression of Charcoal Rot of Chickpea by Fluorescent Pseudomonas Under Saline Stress Condition
E Khare, S Singh, DK Maheshwari, NK Arora
Current Microbiology 62, 1548-1553, 2011
Effect of enrichment material on the shelf life and field efficiency of bioformulation of Rhizobium sp. and P-solubilizing Pseudomonas fluorescens.
SS Sachin Singh, GG Govind Gupta, EK Ekta Khare, KK Behal, NK Arora
Role of peptaibols and lytic enzymes of Trichoderma cerinum Gur1 in biocontrol of Fusraium oxysporum and chickpea wilt
E Khare, S Kumar, K Kim
Environmental sustainability 1, 39-47, 2018
Phosphate solubilizing rhizobia promote the growth of chickpea under buffering conditions
S Singh, G Gupta, E Khare, KK Behal, NK Arora
Int J Pure Appl Biosci 2 (5), 97-106, 2014
Biosurfactant based formulation of Pseudomonas guariconensis LE3 with multifarious plant growth promoting traits controls charcoal rot disease in Helianthus annus
E Khare, NK Arora
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 37 (4), 55, 2021
Rice OsPBL1 (ORYZA SATIVA ARABIDOPSIS PBS1-LIKE 1) enhanced defense of Arabidopsis against Pseudomonas syringae DC3000
E Khare, K Kim, KJ Lee
European Journal of Plant Pathology 146, 901-910, 2016
The role of microbial enzyme systems in plant growth promotion
E Khare, A Yadav
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability 5 (2), 122-145, 2017
In vivo control of Macrophomina phaseolina by a chitinase and beta-1, 3-glucanase-producing pseudomonad NDN~ 1
NK Arora, E Khare, A Verma, RK Sahu
SYMBIOSIS-REHOVOT- 46 (3), 129, 2008
Screening for mcl-PHA-producing fluorescent Pseudomonads and comparison of mcl-PHA production under iso-osmotic conditions induced by PEG and NaCl
E Khare, J Chopra, NK Arora
Current microbiology 68, 457-462, 2014
Phenetic, genetic diversity and symbiotic compatibility of rhizobial strains nodulating pigeon pea in Northern India
NK Arora, E Khare, S Singh, S Tewari
3 Biotech 8, 1-11, 2018
Physiologically stressed cells of fluorescent Pseudomonas EKi as better option for bioformulation development for management of charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina …
E Khare, NK Arora
Current Microbiology 62, 1789-1793, 2011
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