Roger Bennett
Roger Bennett
Reader in Nanostructured Surfaces, University of Reading
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Two (1× 2) reconstructions of TiO 2 (110): surface rearrangement and reactivity studied using elevated temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
RA Bennett, P Stone, NJ Price, M Bowker
Physical review letters 82 (19), 3831, 1999
Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of oxygen adsorption on Cu (1 1 1)
T Matsumoto, RA Bennett, P Stone, T Yamada, K Domen, M Bowker
Surface Science 471 (1-3), 225-245, 2001
Catalysis at the metal-support interface: exemplified by the photocatalytic reforming of methanol on Pd/TiO2
M Bowker, D James, P Stone, R Bennett, N Perkins, L Millard, J Greaves, ...
Journal of Catalysis 217 (2), 427-433, 2003
Electronic structure of point defects in controlled self-doping of the (110) surface: Combined photoemission spectroscopy and density functional theory study
M Nolan, SD Elliott, JS Mulley, RA Bennett, M Basham, P Mulheran
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (23), 235424, 2008
Model catalyst studies of the strong metal–support interaction: Surface structure identified by STM on Pd nanoparticles on TiO2 (110)
M Bowker, P Stone, P Morrall, R Smith, R Bennett, N Perkins, R Kvon, ...
Journal of Catalysis 234 (1), 172-181, 2005
Reactive re-oxidation of reduced TiO2 (110) surfacesdemonstrated by high temperature STM movies
P Stone, RA Bennett, M Bowker
New Journal of Physics 1 (1), 008, 1999
Pd nanoparticle enhanced re-oxidation of non-stoichiometric TiO2: STM imaging of spillover and a new form of SMSI
RA Bennett, P Stone, M Bowker
Catalysis Letters 59, 99-105, 1999
CO adsorption on a Pd/TiO2 (110) model catalyst
M Bowker, P Stone, R Bennett, N Perkins
Surface science 497 (1-3), 155-165, 2002
Surface structures in the SMSI state; Pd on (1× 2) reconstructed TiO2 (110)
RA Bennett, CL Pang, N Perkins, RD Smith, P Morrall, RI Kvon, M Bowker
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (18), 4688-4696, 2002
CO oxidation on Pd (110): a high-resolution XPS and molecular beam study
IZ Jones, RA Bennett, M Bowker
Surface science 439 (1-3), 235-248, 1999
STM and LEED observations of the surface structure of TiO 2 (110) following crystallographic shear plane formation
RA Bennett, S Poulston, P Stone, M Bowker
Physical Review B 59 (15), 10341, 1999
The role of Ti3+ interstitials in TiO2 (110) reduction and oxidation
M Bowker, RA Bennett
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21 (47), 474224, 2009
Scanning tunnelling microscopy studies of the reactivity of the TiO 2 (110) surface: Re-oxidation and the thermal treatment of metal nanoparticles
RA Bennett, P Stone, M Bowker
Faraday Discussions 114, 267-277, 1999
Formic acid adsorption and decomposition on TiO2 (1 1 0) and on Pd/TiO2 (1 1 0) model catalysts
M Bowker, P Stone, R Bennett, N Perkins
Surface Science 511 (1-3), 435-448, 2002
Adsorption of organic molecules at the TiO2 (110) surface: the effect of van der Waals interactions
MJ Tillotson, PM Brett, RA Bennett, R Grau-Crespo
Surface Science 632, 142-153, 2015
Measurement of the surface-growth kinetics of reduced during reoxidation using time-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy
RD Smith, RA Bennett, M Bowker
Physical Review B 66 (3), 035409, 2002
Methanol oxidation to formate on Cu (110) studied by STM
AH Jones, S Poulston, RA Bennett, M Bowker
Surface science 380 (1), 31-44, 1997
An STM, TPD and XPS investigation of formic acid adsorption on the oxygen-precovered c (6× 2) surface of Cu (110)
P Stone, S Poulston, RA Bennett, NJ Price, M Bowker
Surface science 418 (1), 71-83, 1998
Mechanisms and dynamics of protein clustering on a solid surface
PA Mulheran, D Pellenc, RA Bennett, RJ Green, M Sperrin
Physical review letters 100 (6), 068102, 2008
A combined STM/molecular beam study of formic acid oxidation on Cu (110)
M Bowker, S Poulston, RA Bennett, P Stone, AH Jones, S Haq, P Hollins
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 131 (1-3), 185-197, 1998
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