Roslyn Mickelson
Roslyn Mickelson
Потвърден имейл адрес: uncc.edu
The attitude-achievement paradox among Black adolescents
RA Mickelson
Sociology of education, 44-61, 1990
Race and gender differences in how sense of belonging influences decisions to major in STEM
K Rainey, M Dancy, R Mickelson, E Stearns, S Moller
International journal of STEM education 5, 1-14, 2018
Subverting Swann: First-and second-generation segregation in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools
RA Mickelson
American Educational Research Journal 38 (2), 215-252, 2001
Why does Jane read and write so well? The anomaly of women's achievement
RA Mickelson
Sociology of education, 47-63, 1989
Teacher job satisfaction and student achievement: The roles of teacher professional community and teacher collaboration in schools
N Banerjee, E Stearns, S Moller, RA Mickelson
American Journal of Education 123 (2), 000-000, 2017
When are racial disparities in education the result of racial discrimination? A social science perspective
RA Mickelson
Teachers College Record 105 (6), 1052-1086, 2003
Integrated schooling, life course outcomes, and social cohesion in multiethnic democratic societies
RA Mickelson, M Nkomo
Review of Research in Education 36 (1), 197-238, 2012
Growing the roots of STEM majors: Female math and science high school faculty and the participation of students in STEM
MC Bottia, E Stearns, RA Mickelson, S Moller, L Valentino
Economics of Education Review 45, 14-27, 2015
Brown and black in white: The social adjustment and academic performance of Chicano and Black students in a predominately White university
ML Oliver, CJ Rodriguez, RA Mickelson
The Urban Review 17 (1), 3-24, 1985
Effects of school racial composition on K–12 mathematics outcomes: A metaregression analysis
RA Mickelson, MC Bottia, R Lambert
Review of educational research 83 (1), 121-158, 2013
The relationships among high school STEM learning experiences and students’ intent to declare and declaration of a STEM major in college
MC Bottia, E Stearns, RA Mickelson, S Moller, AD Parler
Teachers College Record 117 (3), 1-46, 2015
Connecting pieces of the puzzle: Gender differences in Black middle school students' achievement
RA Mickelson, AD Greene
The Journal of Negro Education, 34-48, 2006
The Academic Consequences of Desegragation and Segregation: Evidence from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
RA Mickelson
NCL Rev. 81, 1513, 2002
The effects of segregation on African American high school seniors' academic achievement
RA Mickelson, D Heath
Journal of Negro Education, 566-586, 1999
Neotracking in North Carolina: How high school courses of study reproduce race and class-based stratification
RA Mickelson, BJ Everett
Teachers College Record 110 (3), 535-570, 2008
The interactive effects of race, gender and school composition on college track placement
S Southworth, RA Mickelson
Social Forces 86 (2), 497-523, 2007
Gender, Bourdieu, and the anomaly of women's achievement redux
RA Mickelson
Sociology of Education 76 (4), 373-375, 2003
Collective pedagogical teacher culture and mathematics achievement: Differences by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
S Moller, RA Mickelson, E Stearns, N Banerjee, MC Bottia
Sociology of Education 86 (2), 174-194, 2013
School choice and segregation by race, class, and achievement
RA Mickelson, M Bottia, S Southworth
The cumulative disadvantages of first-and second-generation segregation for middle school achievement
RA Mickelson
American Educational Research Journal 52 (4), 657-692, 2015
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