Riser Fahdiran
Riser Fahdiran
Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
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Ultrafast laser irradiation of spherical nanoparticles: Molecular-dynamics results on fragmentation and small-angle scattering
R Fahdiran, HM Urbassek
The European Physical Journal D 69, 1-7, 2015
Morphology and optical properties of Cu–Al co-doped ZnO nanostructures
S Iwan, V Fauzia, RA Azeti, ML Maharani, R Fahdiran, E Budi
Surfaces and Interfaces 16, 147-151, 2019
Active solar tracker based on the horizon coordinate system
W Indrasari, R Fahdiran, E Budi, L Jannah, LV Kadarwati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1120 (1), 012102, 2018
Karakterisasi Panel Surya Hybrid Berbasis Sensor Ina219
W Indrasari, R Fadhiran
vol 8, 173-178, 2019
Laser Ablation of Nanoparticles: A Molecular Dynamics Study
R Fahdiran, HM Urbassek
Advanced Materials Research 1112, 120-123, 2015
Pengembangan buku elektronik pengayaan pengetahuan tentang aplikasi gelombang ultrasonik untuk siswa SMA
ST Simanjuntak, Y Supriyati, R Fahdiran
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (E-Journal) 8, 2019
Development of static solar panel equipped by an active reflector based on LDR sensors
W Indrasari, R Fahdiran, E Budi, U Umiatin, NS Yusuf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1280 (2), 022071, 2019
Structural change of aluminum thin film in the temperature range from 300 K to 1000 K
R Fahdiran, E Handoko, I Sugihartono, AB Susila, E Budi, S Budi
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 02016, 2018
Laser induced ablation of aluminum nanoparticle: a molecular dynamics study
R Fahdiran, E Handoko, I Sugihartono, HM Urbassek
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 04004, 2018
The effect of Al-Cu co-dopants on morphology, structure, and optical properties of ZnO nanostructures
I Sugihartono, ST Tan, A Arkundato, R Fahdiran, I Isnaeni, E Handoko, ...
Materials Research 26, e20220499, 2023
The active hybrid solar panel integrated with Fresnel lens concentrator
W Indrasari, R Fahdiran
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1485 (1), 012005, 2020
Size dependencies on melting of Gold nanoparticle: A Molecular Dynamics study
R Fahdiran, E Handoko, I Sugihartono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (6), 066002, 2019
Characterization of hybrid solar panel prototype using PV-TEG module
W Indrasari, H Habiburosid, R Fahdiran
AIP Conference Proceedings 2169 (1), 2019
Electropolymerization of polyaniline film as a conductive layer for the electrodeposition of NiCo alloy
S Budi, A Ayuningsih, C Pratiwi, M Paristiowati, R Fadiran, I Sugihartono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1428 (1), 012017, 2020
Controlling band gap of monolayer MnCl2 with LDA+ U
TB Prayitno, R Fahdiran
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (4), 044081, 2019
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Dampak Pemanasan Global Berbasis Problem Based Learning Management System (LMS) Schoology
NC Tamara, Y Supriyati, R Fahdiran
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika (E-Journal) 8, 2019
Melting of gold nanoparticle: study on structural evolution
R Fahdiran, E Handoko, I Sugihartono, S Sunaryo, E Budi, AB Susila, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (6), 066009, 2019
Energies of the static solitary wave solutions of the one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation
TB Prayitno, E Budi, R Fahdiran
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (4), 044083, 2019
Silicon carbide (SiC) effect on mechanical properties and corrosion rates on composite Al/SiC and Al-Cu/SiC
BS Anggara, R Fahdiran, MA Marpaung, B Soegijono
American Institute of Physics Inc, 2019
W Indrasari, R Fahdiran, E Budi, L Jannah, LV Kadarwati
Active Solar Tracker Based on the Horizon Coordinate System,” in Journal of …, 2018
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