Rebecca Jones
Rebecca Jones
School of Plant Science, University of Tasmania
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The genome of Eucalyptus grandis
AA Myburg, D Grattapaglia, GA Tuskan, U Hellsten, RD Hayes, ...
Nature 510 (7505), 356-362, 2014
A comparative analysis of population structure of a forest tree, Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae), using microsatellite markers and quantitative traits
DA Steane, N Conod, RC Jones, RE Vaillancourt, BM Potts
Tree Genetics & Genomes 2, 30-38, 2006
A comparative analysis of population structure of a forest tree, Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae), using microsatellite markers and quantitative traits
DA Steane, N Conod, RC Jones, RE Vaillancourt, BM Potts
Tree Genetics & Genomes 2, 30-38, 2006
Dispersal limitations, rather than bottlenecks or habitat specificity, can restrict the distribution of rare and endemic rainforest trees
M Rossetto, R Kooyman, W Sherwin, R Jones
American journal of botany 95 (3), 321-329, 2008
Microsatellite and morphological analysis of Eucalyptus globulus populations
RC Jones, DA Steane, BM Potts, RE Vaillancourt
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32 (1), 59-66, 2002
The impact of clonality on an endangered tree (Elaeocarpus williamsianus) in a fragmented rainforest
M Rossetto, CL Gross, R Jones, J Hunter
Biological Conservation 117 (1), 33-39, 2004
The floral transcriptome of Eucalyptus grandis
KJ Vining, E Romanel, RC Jones, A Klocko, M Alves‐Ferreira, CA Hefer, ...
New Phytologist 206 (4), 1406-1422, 2015
Patterns of Reproductive Isolation in Eucalyptus—A Phylogenetic Perspective
MJ Larcombe, B Holland, DA Steane, RC Jones, D Nicolle, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (7), 1833-1846, 2015
Genetic effects of rainforest fragmentation in an early successional tree (Elaeocarpus grandis)
M Rossetto, R Jones, J Hunter
Heredity 93 (6), 610-618, 2004
Effects of domestication on genetic diversity in Eucalyptus globulus
TH Jones, DA Steane, RC Jones, D Pilbeam, RE Vaillancourt, BM Potts
Forest Ecology and Management 234 (1-3), 78-84, 2006
Genetic control of heterochrony in Eucalyptus globulus
CJ Hudson, JS Freeman, RC Jones, BM Potts, MML Wong, JL Weller, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 4 (7), 1235-1245, 2014
Multiple evolutionary processes drive the patterns of genetic differentiation in a forest tree species complex
RC Jones, DA Steane, M Lavery, RE Vaillancourt, BM Potts
Ecology and evolution 3 (1), 1-17, 2013
Genetic diversity and mating system of an endangered tree Eucalyptus morrisbyi
RC Jones, GE McKinnon, BM Potts, RE Vaillancourt
Australian journal of botany 53 (4), 367-377, 2005
Genetic control of flowering time in Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus
RC Jones, RE Vaillancourt, PL Gore, BM Potts
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7, 1209-1218, 2011
Genetic control of flowering time in Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus
RC Jones, RE Vaillancourt, PL Gore, BM Potts
Tree Genetics & Genomes 7, 1209-1218, 2011
A set of chloroplast microsatellite primers for Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae)
DA Steane, RC Jones, RE Vaillancourt
Molecular Ecology Notes 5 (3), 538-541, 2005
High density, genome-wide markers and intra-specific replication yield an unprecedented phylogenetic reconstruction of a globally significant, speciose lineage of Eucalyptus
RC Jones, D Nicolle, DA Steane, RE Vaillancourt, BM Potts
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 105, 63-85, 2016
Novel distances for Dollo data
M Woodhams, DA Steane, RC Jones, D Nicolle, V Moulton, BR Holland
Systematic biology 62 (1), 62-77, 2013
Phase Change and Phenology in Trees
AM Brunner, E Varkonyi-Gasic, RC Jones
Comparative and Evolutionary Genomics of Angiosperm Trees, 227-274, 2017
Genetic differentiation among Australian and Southern Ocean populations of the ubiquitous coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta)
SS Cook, RC Jones, RE Vaillancourt, GM Hallegraeff
the International Phycological Society, 2013
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