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Applied geochemistry 45, 158-190, 2014
124 2014 Solid–aqueous equilibrium in the BaSO4–RaSO4–H2O system: first-principles calculations and a thermodynamic assessment VL Vinograd, F Brandt, K Rozov, M Klinkenberg, K Refson, B Winkler, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 122, 398-417, 2013
69 2013 Thermodynamic properties of MgSiO3 majorite and phase transitions near 660 km depth in MgSiO3 and Mg2 SiO4 : A first principles study YG Yu, RM Wentzcovitch, VL Vinograd, RJ Angel
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Applied geochemistry 89, 59-74, 2018
63 2018 A thermodynamic adsorption/entrapment model for selenium (IV) coprecipitation with calcite F Heberling, VL Vinograd, R Polly, JD Gale, S Heck, J Rothe, D Bosbach, ...
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International Journal of Materials Research 92 (6), 514-525, 2022
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52 2010 Heat capacities of lanthanide and actinide monazite-type ceramics PM Kowalski, G Beridze, VL Vinograd, D Bosbach
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40 2004 Subsolidus phase relations in the system predicted from the excess enthalpies of supercell structures with single and double defects VL Vinograd, MHF Sluiter, B Winkler
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39 1999 Thermodynamics of the solid solution-Aqueous solution system (Ba, Sr, Ra) SO4+ H2O: II. Radium retention in barite-type minerals at elevated temperatures VL Vinograd, DA Kulik, F Brandt, M Klinkenberg, J Weber, B Winkler, ...
Applied geochemistry 93, 190-208, 2018
38 2018 Activity–composition relations in the system CaCO3–MgCO3 predicted from static structure energy calculations and Monte Carlo simulations VL Vinograd, BP Burton, JD Gale, NL Allan, B Winkler
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38 2007 Probing structural homogeneity of La1-xGdxPO4 monazite-type solid solutions by combined spectroscopic and computational studies N Huittinen, Y Arinicheva, PM Kowalski, VL Vinograd, S Neumeier, ...
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36 2017 Thermodynamics of pyrope–majorite, Mg3 Al2 Si3 O12 –Mg4 Si4 O12 , solid solution from atomistic model calculations VL Vinograd, B Winkler, A Putnis, H Kroll, V Milman, JD Gale, ...
Molecular Simulation 32 (2), 85-99, 2006
36 2006 Composition dependent order-disorder transition in NdxZr1− xO2− 0.5 x pyrochlores: A combined structural, calorimetric and ab initio modeling study S Finkeldei, P Kegler, PM Kowalski, C Schreinemachers, F Brandt, ...
Acta Materialia 125, 166-176, 2017
35 2017 The solid solution–aqueous solution system (Sr, Ba, Ra) SO4+ H2O: A combined experimental and theoretical study of phase equilibria at Sr-rich compositions M Klinkenberg, J Weber, J Barthel, V Vinograd, J Poonoosamy, M Kruth, ...
Chemical Geology 497, 1-17, 2018
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