Richard D Ball
Richard D Ball
Professor of Mathematical Physics, Edinburgh University
Потвърден имейл адрес: ph.ed.ac.uk
Parton distributions for the LHC Run II
RD Ball, V Bertone, S Carrazza, CS Deans, L Del Debbio, S Forte, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (4), 1-148, 2015
Parton distributions with LHC data
RD Ball, V Bertone, S Carrazza, CS Deans, L Del Debbio, S Forte, ...
Nuclear Physics B 867 (2), 244-289, 2013
Parton distributions from high-precision collider data: NNPDF Collaboration
RD Ball, V Bertone, S Carrazza, LD Debbio, S Forte, P Groth-Merrild, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-75, 2017
Impact of heavy quark masses on parton distributions and LHC phenomenology
RD Ball, V Bertone, F Cerutti, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, JI Latorre, ...
Nuclear Physics B 849 (2), 296-363, 2011
Parton distributions with QED corrections
RD Ball, V Bertone, S Carrazza, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, ...
Nuclear Physics B 877 (2), 290-320, 2013
A first unbiased global NLO determination of parton distributions and their uncertainties
RD Ball, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, JI Latorre, J Rojo, M Ubiali, ...
Nuclear Physics B 838 (1-2), 136-206, 2010
The PDF4LHC working group interim report
S Alekhin, S Alioli, RD Ball, V Bertone, J Blumlein, M Botje, J Butterworth, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.0536, 2011
Unbiased global determination of parton distributions and their uncertainties at NNLO and at LO
RD Ball, V Bertone, F Cerutti, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, JI Latorre, ...
Nuclear Physics B 855 (2), 153-221, 2012
The path to proton structure at 1% accuracy: NNPDF Collaboration
RD Ball, S Carrazza, J Cruz-Martinez, L Del Debbio, S Forte, T Giani, ...
The European Physical Journal C 82 (5), 428, 2022
A first unbiased global determination of polarized PDFs and their uncertainties
ER Nocera, RD Ball, S Forte, G Ridolfi, J Rojo
Nuclear Physics B 887, 276-308, 2014
A determination of parton distributions with faithful uncertainty estimation
RD Ball, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, JI Latorre, A Piccione, J Rojo, ...
Nuclear Physics B 809 (1-2), 1-63, 2009
Chiral gauge theory
RD Ball
Physics Reports 182 (1-2), 1-186, 1989
Determination of the Bjorken sum and strong coupling from polarized structure functions
G Altarelli, RD Ball, S Forte, G Ridolfi
Nuclear Physics B 496 (1-2), 337-357, 1997
Parton distributions with small-x resummation: evidence for BFKL dynamics in HERA data
RD Ball, V Bertone, M Bonvini, S Marzani, J Rojo, L Rottoli
The European Physical Journal C 78, 1-52, 2018
Double asymptotic scaling at HERA
RD Ball, S Forte
Physics Letters B 335 (1), 77-86, 1994
Next-to-leading order determination of the singlet axial charge and the polarized gluon content of the nucleon
RD Ball, S Forte, G Ridolfi
Physics Letters B 378 (1-4), 255-266, 1996
The PDF4LHC report on PDFs and LHC data: Results from Run I and preparation for Run II
J Rojo, A Accardi, RD Ball, A Cooper-Sarkar, A De Roeck, S Farry, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 42 (10), 103103, 2015
Parton distribution benchmarking with LHC data
RD Ball, S Carrazza, L Del Debbio, S Forte, J Gao, N Hartland, J Huston, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (4), 1-46, 2013
Reweighting and Unweighting of Parton Distributions and the LHC W lepton asymmetry data
RD Ball, V Bertone, F Cerutti, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, ...
Nuclear Physics B 855 (3), 608-638, 2012
Higgs production via gluon–gluon fusion with finite top mass beyond next-to-leading order
S Marzani, RD Ball, V Del Duca, S Forte, A Vicini
Nuclear physics B 800 (1-2), 127-145, 2008
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