Dong-Keun Ki
Strong interface-induced spin-orbit interaction in graphene on WS2
Z Wang, DK Ki, H Chen, H Berger, AH MacDonald, AF Morpurgo
Nature communications 6, 9339, 2015
Random strain fluctuations as dominant disorder source for high-quality on-substrate graphene devices
NJG Couto, D Costanzo, S Engels, DK Ki, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041019, 2014
Origin and magnitude of 'designer' spin-orbit interaction in graphene on semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides
Z Wang, DK Ki, JY Khoo, D Mauro, H Berger, LS Levitov, AF Morpurgo
Physical Review X 6, 041020, 2016
Observation of even denominator fractional quantum Hall effect in suspended bilayer graphene
DK Ki, VI Fal’ko, DA Abanin, AF Morpurgo
Nano letters 14 (4), 2135-2139, 2014
Inelastic scattering in a monolayer graphene sheet: A weak-localization study
DK Ki, D Jeong, JH Choi, HJ Lee, KS Park
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (12), 125409, 2008
Thermoelectric transport of massive Dirac fermions in bilayer graphene
SG Nam, DK Ki, HJ Lee
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (24), 245416, 2010
A ballistic pn junction in suspended graphene with split bottom gates
AL Grushina, DK Ki, AF Morpurgo
Applied Physics Letters 102 (22), 2013
3D nanoprinting of perovskites
M Chen, J Yang, Z Wang, Z Xu, H Lee, H Lee, Z Zhou, SP Feng, S Lee, ...
Advanced Materials 31 (44), 1904073, 2019
Electron–hole collision limited transport in charge-neutral bilayer graphene
Y Nam, DK Ki, D Soler-Delgado, AF Morpurgo
Nature Physics 13 (12), 1207-1214, 2017
Controlling the Topological Sector of Magnetic Solitons in Exfoliated Crystals
L Wang, N Chepiga, DK Ki, L Li, F Li, W Zhu, Y Kato, OS Ovchinnikova, ...
Physical review letters 118 (25), 257203, 2017
Insulating state in tetralayers reveals an even–odd interaction effect in multilayer graphene
AL Grushina, DK Ki, M Koshino, AAL Nicolet, C Faugeras, E McCann, ...
Nature communications 6, 7419, 2015
Spin relaxation properties in graphene due to its linear dispersion
S Jo, DK Ki, D Jeong, HJ Lee, S Kettemann
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (7), 075453, 2011
Growth of Tellurium Nanobelts on h-BN for p-type Transistors with Ultrahigh Hole Mobility
P Yang, J Zha, G Gao, L Zheng, H Huang, Y Xia, S Xu, T Xiong, Z Zhang, ...
Nano-micro letters 14 (1), 109, 2022
Quantum Hall resistances of a multiterminal top-gated graphene device
DK Ki, HJ Lee
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (19), 195327, 2009
A family of finite-temperature electronic phase transitions in graphene multilayers
Y Nam, DK Ki, D Soler-Delgado, AF Morpurgo
Science 362 (6412), 324-328, 2018
High-quality multiterminal suspended graphene devices
DK Ki, AF Morpurgo
Nano letters 13 (11), 5165-5170, 2013
Ballistic transport of graphene pnp junctions with embedded local gates
SG Nam, DK Ki, JW Park, Y Kim, JS Kim, HJ Lee
Nanotechnology 22 (41), 415203, 2011
Crossover from Coulomb Blockade to Quantum Hall Effect in Suspended Graphene Nanoribbons
DK Ki, AF Morpurgo
Physical review letters 108 (26), 266601, 2012
Dependence of quantum-Hall conductance on the edge-state equilibration position in a bipolar graphene sheet
DK Ki, SG Nam, HJ Lee, B Özyilmaz
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (3), 033301, 2010
Interaction-induced insulating state in thick multilayer graphene
Y Nam, DK Ki, M Koshino, E McCann, AF Morpurgo
2D Materials 3 (4), 045014, 2016
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