Matthew J. Turk
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope results. I. The shadow of the supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L12, 2022
yt: A multi-code analysis toolkit for astrophysical simulation data
MJ Turk, BD Smith, JS Oishi, S Skory, SW Skillman, T Abel, ML Norman
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 192 (1), 9, 2010
Enzo: An adaptive mesh refinement code for astrophysics
GL Bryan, ML Norman, BW O'Shea, T Abel, JH Wise, MJ Turk, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 211 (2), 19, 2014
First Sagittarius A* event horizon telescope results. VI. Testing the black hole metric
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L17, 2022
The birth of a galaxy: primordial metal enrichment and stellar populations
JH Wise, MJ Turk, ML Norman, T Abel
The Astrophysical Journal 745 (1), 50, 2011
The birth of a galaxy–III. Propelling reionization with the faintest galaxies
JH Wise, VG Demchenko, MT Halicek, ML Norman, MJ Turk, T Abel, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 442 (3), 2560-2579, 2014
The formation of population III binaries from cosmological initial conditions
MJ Turk, T Abel, B O'Shea
Science 325 (5940), 601-605, 2009
First Sagittarius A* event horizon telescope results. III. Imaging of the galactic center supermassive black hole
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L14, 2022
Resolving the formation of protogalaxies. II. Central gravitational collapse
JH Wise, MJ Turk, T Abel
The Astrophysical Journal 682 (2), 745, 2008
grackle: a chemistry and cooling library for astrophysics
BD Smith, GL Bryan, SCO Glover, NJ Goldbaum, MJ Turk, J Regan, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466 (2), 2217-2234, 2017
First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope results. IV. Variability, morphology, and black hole mass
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L15, 2022
First Sagittarius A* event horizon telescope results. II. EHT and multiwavelength observations, data processing, and calibration
K Akiyama, A Alberdi, W Alef, JC Algaba, R Anantua, K Asada, R Azulay, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 930 (2), L13, 2022
ft AGORA Collaboration29
J Kim, T Abel, O Agertz, GL Bryan, D Ceverino, C Christensen, C Conroy, ...
The AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. ApJS 210, 14, 2014
The formation of submillimetre-bright galaxies from gas infall over a billion years
D Narayanan, M Turk, R Feldmann, T Robitaille, P Hopkins, R Thompson, ...
Nature 525 (7570), 496-499, 2015
The birth of a galaxy–II. The role of radiation pressure
JH Wise, T Abel, MJ Turk, ML Norman, BD Smith
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 427 (1), 311-326, 2012
Magnetic fields in population III star formation
MJ Turk, JS Oishi, T Abel, GL Bryan
The Astrophysical Journal 745 (2), 154, 2012
Three modes of metal-enriched star formation in the early universe
BD Smith, MJ Turk, S Sigurdsson, BW O'Shea, ML Norman
The Astrophysical Journal 691 (1), 441, 2009
Constraints on hydrodynamical subgrid models from quasar absorption line studies of the simulated circumgalactic medium
CB Hummels, GL Bryan, BD Smith, MJ Turk
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 430 (3), 1548-1565, 2013
Computing environments for reproducibility: Capturing the “Whole Tale”
A Brinckman, K Chard, N Gaffney, M Hategan, MB Jones, K Kowalik, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 94, 854-867, 2019
The AGORA high-resolution galaxy simulations comparison project. II. Isolated disk test
J Kim, O Agertz, R Teyssier, MJ Butler, D Ceverino, JH Choi, R Feldmann, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 833 (2), 202, 2016
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