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159 2011 Phase Transitions, Magnetic and Piezoelectric Properties of Rare‐Earth‐Substituted BiFeO3 Ceramics IO Troyanchuk, DV Karpinsky, MV Bushinsky, OS Mantytskaya, ...
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109 2019 Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Ba-ordered manganites Ln0.70 Ba0.30 MnO3−δ (Ln = Pr, Nd) SV Trukhanov, VA Khomchenko, LS Lobanovski, MV Bushinsky, ...
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109 2006 Rhombohedral-to-orthorhombic transition and multiferroic properties of Dy-substituted BiFeO3 VA Khomchenko, DV Karpinsky, AL Kholkin, NA Sobolev, GN Kakazei, ...
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