Matthew R. Pearson
Matthew R. Pearson
Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions, University of New Mexico
Потвърден имейл адрес: unm.edu
Use of alcohol protective behavioral strategies among college students: A critical review
MR Pearson
Clinical psychology review 33 (8), 1025-1040, 2013
Predictors of cyberbullying perpetration among college students: An application of the theory of reasoned action
AN Doane, MR Pearson, ML Kelley
Computers in Human Behavior 36, 154-162, 2014
Five facets of mindfulness and psychological health: Evaluating a psychological model of the mechanisms of mindfulness
DB Brown, AJ Bravo, CR Roos, MR Pearson
Mindfulness 6, 1021-1032, 2015
College student marijuana involvement: Perceptions, use, and consequences across 11 college campuses
MR Pearson, BS Liese, RD Dvorak, Marijuana Outcomes Study Team
Addictive behaviors 66, 83-89, 2017
Exposure to interparental violence and childhood physical and emotional abuse as related to physical aggression in undergraduate dating relationships
RJ Milletich, ML Kelley, AN Doane, MR Pearson
Journal of family violence 25, 627-637, 2010
Ecological momentary assessment of acute alcohol use disorder symptoms: associations with mood, motives, and use on planned drinking days.
RD Dvorak, MR Pearson, AM Day
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 22 (4), 285, 2014
College student mental health: An evaluation of the DSM–5 self-rated Level 1 cross-cutting symptom measure.
AJ Bravo, MC Villarosa-Hurlocker, MR Pearson
Psychological Assessment 30 (10), 1382, 2018
Mindfulness and emotional outcomes: Identifying subgroups of college students using latent profile analysis
MR Pearson, AK Lawless, DB Brown, AJ Bravo
Personality and individual differences 76, 33-38, 2015
Impulsivity-like traits and risky driving behaviors among college students
MR Pearson, EM Murphy, AN Doane
Accident Analysis & Prevention 53, 142-148, 2013
Reducing cyberbullying: A theory of reasoned action‐based video prevention program for college students
AN Doane, ML Kelley, MR Pearson
Aggressive behavior 42 (2), 136-146, 2016
When traits match states: Examining the associations between self-report trait and state mindfulness following a state mindfulness induction
AJ Bravo, MR Pearson, AD Wilson, K Witkiewitz
Mindfulness 9, 199-211, 2018
Staying in the moment and finding purpose: The associations of trait mindfulness, decentering, and purpose in life with depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and alcohol …
MR Pearson, DB Brown, AJ Bravo, K Witkiewitz
Mindfulness 6, 645-653, 2015
Quantifying cannabis: A field study of marijuana quantity estimation.
MA Prince, BT Conner, MR Pearson
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 32 (4), 426, 2018
Profiles of recovery from alcohol use disorder at three years following treatment: can the definition of recovery be extended to include high functioning heavy drinkers?
K Witkiewitz, AD Wilson, MR Pearson, KS Montes, M Kirouac, CR Roos, ...
Addiction 114 (1), 69-80, 2019
Protective behavioral strategies as a mediator and moderator of the relationship between self-regulation and alcohol-related consequences in first-year college students.
GM D'Lima, MR Pearson, ML Kelley
Psychology of addictive behaviors 26 (2), 330, 2012
Daily use of protective behavioral strategies and alcohol-related outcomes among college students.
MR Pearson, GM D'Lima, ML Kelley
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (3), 826, 2013
Getting personal with mindfulness: A latent profile analysis of mindfulness and psychological outcomes
AJ Bravo, LG Boothe, MR Pearson
Mindfulness 7, 420-432, 2016
Questioning the validity of the 4+/5+ binge or heavy drinking criterion in college and clinical populations
MR Pearson, M Kirouac, K Witkiewitz
Addiction 111 (10), 1720-1726, 2016
Predictive effects of good self-control and poor regulation on alcohol-related outcomes: Do protective behavioral strategies mediate?
MR Pearson, BA Kite, JM Henson
Psychology of addictive behaviors 27 (1), 81, 2013
Mindfulness and psychological health outcomes: A latent profile analysis among military personnel and college students
AJ Bravo, MR Pearson, ML Kelley
Mindfulness 9, 258-270, 2018
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