michel potier-ferry
michel potier-ferry
LEM3, Laboratoire d'Etude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux, Université Lorraine
Потвърден имейл адрес: univ-lorraine.fr
Méthode asymptotique numérique
B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry
European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Européenne de Mécanique …, 2008
Asymptotic–numerical methods and Pade approximants for non‐linear elastic structures
B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier‐Ferry
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 37 (7), 1187-1213, 1994
Review and assessment of various theories for modeling sandwich composites
H Hu, S Belouettar, M Potier-Ferry
Composite Structures 84 (3), 282-292, 2008
A numerical method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems application to vibrations of viscoelastic structures
EM Daya, M Potier-Ferry
Computers & Structures 79 (5), 533-541, 2001
A new method to compute perturbed bifurcations: application to the buckling of imperfect elastic structures
N Damil, M Potier-Ferry
International Journal of Engineering Science 28 (9), 943-957, 1990
A numerical continuation method based on Padé approximants
A Elhage-Hussein, M Potier-Ferry, N Damil
International Journal of Solids and structures 37 (46-47), 6981-7001, 2000
The asymptotic-numerical method: an efficient perturbation technique for nonlinear structural mechanics
B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry
Revue européenne des éléments finis 3 (2), 281-297, 1994
Iterative algorithms for non-linear eigenvalue problems. Application to vibrations of viscoelastic shells
L Duigou, M Potier-Ferry
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 192 (11-12), 1323-1335, 2003
An asymptotic‐numerical method to compute the postbuckling behaviour of elastic plates and shells
L Azrar, B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier‐Ferry
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 36 (8), 1251-1277, 1993
Prestress loss diagnostics in pretensioned concrete structures with corrosive cracking
L Dai, H Bian, L Wang, M Potier-Ferry, J Zhang
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (3), 04020013, 2020
Computing finite rotations of shells by an asymptotic-numerical method
H Zahrouni, B Cochelin, M Potier-Ferry
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 175 (1-2), 71-85, 1999
Bifurcation points and bifurcated branches by an asymptotic numerical method and Padé approximants
EH Boutyour, H Zahrouni, M Potier‐Ferry, M Boudi
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 60 (12), 1987-2012, 2004
Forced harmonic response of viscoelastic structures by an asymptotic numerical method
F Abdoun, L Azrar, EM Daya, M Potier-Ferry
Computers & Structures 87 (1-2), 91-100, 2009
An asymptotic‐numerical method to compute bifurcating branches
P Vannucci, B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier‐Ferry
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 41 (8), 1365-1389, 1998
A multilevel computational strategy for handling microscopic and macroscopic instabilities
S Nezamabadi, J Yvonnet, H Zahrouni, M Potier-Ferry
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (27-29), 2099-2110, 2009
An amplitude equation for the non-linear vibration of viscoelastically damped sandwich beams
EM Daya, L Azrar, M Potier-Ferry
Journal of Sound and Vibration 271 (3-5), 789-813, 2004
Finite element analysis on implicitly defined domains: An accurate representation based on arbitrary parametric surfaces
M Moumnassi, S Belouettar, É Béchet, SPA Bordas, D Quoirin, ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (5-8), 774-796, 2011
A critical review of asymptotic numerical methods
A Najah, B Cochelin, N Damil, M Potier-Ferry
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 5, 31-50, 1998
Lateral buckling of thin-walled beam-column elements under combined axial and bending loads
F Mohri, C Bouzerira, M Potier-Ferry
Thin-Walled Structures 46 (3), 290-302, 2008
A novel finite element for global and local buckling analysis of sandwich beams
H Hu, S Belouettar, M Potier-Ferry, A Makradi
Composite Structures 90 (3), 270-278, 2009
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