Jeremy Meredith
Jeremy Meredith
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VisIt: An end-user tool for visualizing and analyzing very large data
H Childs, E Brugger, B Whitlock, J Meredith, S Ahern, D Pugmire, ...
eScholarship, University of California, 2012
The scalable heterogeneous computing (SHOC) benchmark suite
A Danalis, G Marin, C McCurdy, JS Meredith, PC Roth, K Spafford, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on general-purpose computation on graphics …, 2010
Parallel in situ coupling of simulation with a fully featured visualization system
B Whitlock, JM Favre, JS Meredith
A contract based system for large data visualization
H Childs, E Brugger, K Bonnell, J Meredith, M Miller, B Whitlock, N Max
VIS 05. IEEE Visualization, 2005., 191-198, 2005
FastBit: Interactively Searching Massive Data
K Wu, S Ahern, EW Bethel, J Chen, H Childs, C Geddes, J Gu, H Hagen, ...
Proc. of SciDAC 2009, 2009
Vtk-m: Accelerating the visualization toolkit for massively threaded architectures
K Moreland, C Sewell, W Usher, L Lo, J Meredith, D Pugmire, J Kress, ...
IEEE computer graphics and applications 36 (3), 48-58, 2016
Keeneland: Bringing heterogeneous GPU computing to the computational science community
JS Vetter, R Glassbrook, J Dongarra, K Schwan, B Loftis, S McNally, ...
Computing in Science & Engineering 13 (05), 90-95, 2011
Scientific discovery at the exascale: report from the doe ascr 2011 workshop on exascale data management, analysis, and visualization
S Ahern, A Shoshani, KL Ma, A Choudhary, T Critchlow, S Klasky, ...
Dept. of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research 1 (4), 2011
Maestro: data orchestration and tuning for opencl devices
K Spafford, J Meredith, J Vetter
Euro-Par 2010-Parallel Processing: 16th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2010
Compass: A framework for automated performance modeling and prediction
S Lee, JS Meredith, JS Vetter
Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing …, 2015
A terminology for in situ visualization and analysis systems
H Childs, SD Ahern, J Ahrens, AC Bauer, J Bennett, EW Bethel, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 34 (6 …, 2020
Research challenges for visualization software
H Childs, B Geveci, W Schroeder, J Meredith, K Moreland, C Sewell, ...
Computer 46 (5), 34-42, 2013
The tradeoffs of fused memory hierarchies in heterogeneous computing architectures
KL Spafford, JS Meredith, S Lee, D Li, PC Roth, JS Vetter
Proceedings of the 9th conference on Computing Frontiers, 103-112, 2012
EAVL: the extreme-scale analysis and visualization library
JS Meredith, S Ahern, D Pugmire, R Sisneros
The Eurographics Association, 2012
High performance multivariate visual data exploration for extremely large data
O Rubel, K Wu, H Childs, J Meredith, CGR Geddes, E Cormier-Michel, ...
SC'08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 1-12, 2008
DARPA's HPCS program: History, models, tools, languages
J Dongarra, R Graybill, W Harrod, R Lucas, E Lusk, P Luszczek, ...
Advances in Computers 72, 1-100, 2008
Quantifying NUMA and contention effects in multi-GPU systems
K Spafford, JS Meredith, JS Vetter
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on General Purpose Processing on Graphics …, 2011
Accelerating S3D: a GPGPU case study
K Spafford, J Meredith, J Vetter, J Chen, R Grout, R Sankaran
Euro-Par 2009–Parallel Processing Workshops: HPPC, HeteroPar, PROPER, ROIA …, 2010
Multiresolution view-dependent splat based volume rendering of large irregular data
J Meredith, KL Ma
Proceedings IEEE 2001 Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and …, 2001
Accuracy and performance of graphics processors: A Quantum Monte Carlo application case study
JS Meredith, G Alvarez, TA Maier, TC Schulthess, JS Vetter
Parallel Computing 35 (3), 151-163, 2009
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