G Bryant Hudson
G Bryant Hudson
LLNL (retired/guest)
Потвърден имейл адрес: llnl.gov
A multi‐isotope (B, Sr, O, H, and C) and age dating (3H–3He and 14C) study of groundwater from Salinas Valley, California: Hydrochemistry, dynamics, and …
A Vengosh, J Gill, M Lee Davisson, G Bryant Hudson
Water Resources Research 38 (1), 9-1-9-17, 2002
Trace gas emissions on geological faults as indicators of underground nuclear testing
CR Carrigan, RA Heinle, GB Hudson, JJ Nitao, JJ Zucca
Nature 382 (6591), 528-531, 1996
Saturated zone denitrification: potential for natural attenuation of nitrate contamination in shallow groundwater under dairy operations
MJ Singleton, BK Esser, JE Moran, GB Hudson, WW McNab, T Harter
Environmental science & technology 41 (3), 759-765, 2007
Primordial noble gases from Earth's mantle: identification of a primitive volatile component
MW Caffee, GB Hudson, C Velsko, GR Huss, EC Alexander Jr, AR Chivas
Science 285 (5436), 2115-2118, 1999
The use of temperature and the isotopes of O, H, C, and noble gases to determine the pattern and spatial extent of groundwater flow
ER James, M Manga, TP Rose, GB Hudson
Journal of Hydrology 237 (1-2), 100-112, 2000
Chemical evolution of shallow groundwater as recorded by springs, Sagehen basin; Nevada County, California
LK Rademacher, JF Clark, GB Hudson, DC Erman, NA Erman
Chemical Geology 179 (1-4), 37-51, 2001
The early solar system abundance of/sup 244/Pu as inferred from the St. Severin chondrite
GB Hudson, BM Kennedy, FA Podosek, CM Hohenberg
Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO (USA). McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, 1987
Old groundwater influence on stream hydrochemistry and catchment response times in a small Sierra Nevada catchment: Sagehen Creek, California
LK Rademacher, JF Clark, DW Clow, GB Hudson
Water resources research 41 (2), 2005
Sources of groundwater nitrate revealed using residence time and isotope methods
KB Moore, B Ekwurzel, BK Esser, GB Hudson, JE Moran
Applied Geochemistry 21 (6), 1016-1029, 2006
Noble gases in stratospheric dust particles: Confirmation of extraterrestrial origin
B Hudson, GJ Flynn, P Fraundorf, CM Hohenberg, J Shirck
Science 211 (4480), 383-386, 1981
Cosmetic isotope analyses applied to river longitudinal profile evolution: problems and interpretations
MA Seidl, RC Finkel, MW Caffee, GB Hudson, WE Dietrich
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 1997
Noble gases, stable isotopes, and radiocarbon as tracers of flow in the Dakota aquifer, Colorado and Kansas
JF Clark, ML Davisson, GB Hudson, PA Macfarlane
Journal of Hydrology 211 (1-4), 151-167, 1998
Geochemical imaging of flow near an artificial recharge facility, Orange County, California
JF Clark, GB Hudson, ML Davisson, G Woodside, R Herndon
Groundwater 42 (2), 167-174, 2004
Xenon spallation systernatics in Angra dos Reis
CM Hohenberg, B Hudson, BM Kennedy, FA Podosek
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 45 (10), 1909-1915, 1981
Biogeochemistry and natural attenuation of nitrate in groundwater at an explosives test facility
HR Beller, V Madrid, GB Hudson, WW McNab, T Carlsen
Applied Geochemistry 19 (9), 1483-1494, 2004
Heliuim-3 mass spectrometry for low-level tritium analysis of environmental samples
K Surano, G Hudson, R Failor, J Sims, R Holland, S MacLean, J Garrison
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 161 (2), 443-453, 1992
Impact of artificial recharge on dissolved noble gases in groundwater in California
BD Cey, GB Hudson, JE Moran, BR Scanlon
Environmental science & technology 42 (4), 1017-1023, 2008
Gas transport below artificial recharge ponds: Insights from dissolved noble gases and a dual gas (SF6 and 3He) tracer experiment
JF Clark, GB Hudson, D Avisar
Environmental science & technology 39 (11), 3939-3945, 2005
Evaluation of noble gas recharge temperatures in a shallow unconfined aquifer
BD Cey, GB Hudson, JE Moran, BR Scanlon
Groundwater 47 (5), 646-659, 2009
The use of noble gas isotopes for monitoring leakage of geologically stored CO2
GJ Nimz, GB Hudson
Carbon dioxide capture for storage in deep geologic formations 2, 1113-1130, 2005
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