Статии с изисквания за обществен достъп - Wenjie FangНаучете повече
Не е налице никъде: 3
Characteristics and Prognosis of Talaromyces marneffei Infection in HIV-positive Children in Southern China
X Xue, J Zou, W Fang, X Liu, M Chen, A Arastehfar, M Ilkit, Y Zheng, J Qin, ...
Mycopathologia 187 (2), 169-180, 2022
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cryptococcal meningitis: a rare complication in HIV-negative patients with nephrotic syndrome in A Chinese teaching hospital
D Hu, Q Zhang, W Jiang, A Arastehfar, M Ilkit, W Fang, H Li, X Chen, ...
Mycopathologia 185, 959-969, 2020
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Benzamidine Conjugation Converts Expelled Potential Active Agents into Antifungals against Drug-Resistant Fungi
X Wang, X Jin, Z Xie, H Zhang, T Liu, H Zheng, X Luan, Y Sun, W Fang, ...
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 66 (19), 13684-13704, 2023
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Налице някъде: 37
Diagnosis of invasive fungal infections: challenges and recent developments
W Fang, J Wu, M Cheng, X Zhu, M Du, C Chen, W Liao, K Zhi, W Pan
Journal of biomedical science 30 (1), 42, 2023
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Development and validation of a rapid, single-step reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) system potentially to be used for reliable and high …
M Jiang, W Pan, A Arasthfer, W Fang, L Ling, H Fang, F Daneshnia, J Yu, ...
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 10, 331, 2020
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Importance of Resolving Fungal Nomenclature: the Case of Multiple Pathogenic Species in the Cryptococcus Genus
F Hagen, HT Lumbsch, V Arsic Arsenijevic, H Badali, S Bertout, ...
Msphere 2 (4), 10.1128/msphere. 00238-17, 2017
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
First report of candidemia clonal outbreak caused by emerging fluconazole-resistant Candida parapsilosis isolates harboring Y132F and/or Y132F+ K143R in Turkey
A Arastehfar, F Daneshnia, S Hilmioğlu-Polat, W Fang, M Yaşar, F Polat, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 64 (10), 10.1128/aac. 01001-20, 2020
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Comparison of sexual knowledge, attitude, and behavior between female Chinese college students from urban areas and rural areas: a hidden challenge for HIV/AIDS control in China
M Chen, Y Liao, J Liu, W Fang, N Hong, X Ye, J Li, Q Tang, W Pan, ...
BioMed research international 2016 (1), 8175921, 2016
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
YEAST PANEL multiplex PCR for identification of clinically important yeast species: stepwise diagnostic strategy, useful for developing countries
A Arastehfar, W Fang, W Pan, M Lackner, W Liao, P Badiee, ...
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 93 (2), 112-119, 2019
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Identification of nine cryptic species of Candida albicans, C. glabrata, and C. parapsilosis complexes using one-step multiplex PCR
A Arastehfar, W Fang, W Pan, W Liao, L Yan, T Boekhout
BMC infectious diseases 18, 1-9, 2018
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Clonal Candidemia Outbreak by Candida parapsilosis Carrying Y132F in Turkey: Evolution of a Persisting Challenge
A Arastehfar, S Hilmioğlu-Polat, F Daneshnia, W Pan, A Hafez, W Fang, ...
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 11, 676177, 2021
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tuberculosis/cryptococcosis co-infection in China between 1965 and 2016
W Fang, L Zhang, J Liu, DW Denning, F Hagen, W Jiang, N Hong, S Deng, ...
Emerging Microbes & Infections 6 (1), 1-7, 2017
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cryptococcal meningitis in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: pooled analysis and systematic review
W Fang, M Chen, J Liu, F Hagen, A Ms, Al-Hatmi, P Zhang, Y Guo, ...
Emerging Microbes & Infections 5 (1), 1-7, 2016
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Novel Multiplex Real-Time Quantitative PCR Detecting System Approach for Direct Detection of Candida Auris and its Relatives in Spiked Serum Samples
A Arastehfar, W Fang, F Daneshnia, AMS Al-Hatmi, W Liao, W Pan, ...
Future Microbiology 14 (1), 33-45, 2019
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Comparison of 21-Plex PCR and API 20C AUX, MALDI-TOF MS, and rDNA sequencing for a wide range of clinically isolated yeast species: Improved identification by combining 21-Plex …
A Arastehfar, F Daneshnia, M Kord, M Roudbary, H Zarrinfar, W Fang, ...
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 9, 21, 2019
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Low-Cost Tetraplex PCR for the Global Spreading Multi-Drug Resistant Fungus, Candida auris and Its Phylogenetic Relatives
A Arastehfar, W Fang, H Badali, A Vaezi, W Jiang, W Liao, W Pan, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 1119, 2018
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Cryptococcosis in patients with diabetes mellitus II in mainland China: 1993‐2015
Y Li, W Fang, W Jiang, F Hagen, J Liu, L Zhang, N Hong, Y Zhu, X Xu, ...
Mycoses 60 (11), 706-713, 2017
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Proteomic analysis of lysine succinylation of the human pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum
L Xie, J Li, W Deng, Z Yu, W Fang, M Chen, W Liao, J Xie, W Pan
Journal of proteomics 154, 109-117, 2017
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cryptococcosis and tuberculosis co-infection in mainland China
M Chen, AMS Al-Hatmi, Y Chen, Y Ying, W Fang, J Xu, F Hagen, N Hong, ...
Emerging microbes & infections 5 (1), 1-3, 2016
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Comparison of the In Vitro Activities of Newer Triazoles and Established Antifungal Agents against Trichophyton rubrum
S Deng, C Zhang, S Seyedmousavi, S Zhu, X Tan, Y Wen, X Huang, ...
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 59 (7), 4312-4314, 2015
Изисквания: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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