Parallel multilevel preconditioners JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, J Xu Mathematics of computation 55 (191), 1-22, 1990 | 1120 | 1990 |
The construction of preconditions for elliptic problems by substructuring JH Bramble Numerical Analysis: Proceedings of the Fourth IIMAS Workshop Held at …, 1986 | 1036 | 1986 |
Multigrid methods JH Bramble Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2019 | 946 | 2019 |
A preconditioning technique for indefinite systems resulting from mixed approximations of elliptic problems JH Bramble, JE Pasciak Mathematics of Computation 50 (181), 1-17, 1988 | 651 | 1988 |
Estimation of linear functionals on Sobolev spaces with application to Fourier transforms and spline interpolation JH Bramble, SR Hilbert SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 7 (1), 112-124, 1970 | 633 | 1970 |
Analysis of the inexact Uzawa algorithm for saddle point problems JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, AT Vassilev SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 34 (3), 1072-1092, 1997 | 599 | 1997 |
Convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms without regularity assumptions JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, JP Wang, J Xu Mathematics of Computation 57 (195), 23-45, 1991 | 405 | 1991 |
Bounds for a class of linear functionals with applications to Hermite interpolation JH Bramble, SR Hilbert Numerische Mathematik 16 (4), 362-369, 1971 | 400 | 1971 |
Convergence estimates for product iterative methods with applications to domain decomposition JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, JP Wang, J Xu Mathematics of Computation 57 (195), 1-21, 1991 | 397 | 1991 |
Higher order local accuracy by averaging in the finite element method JH BRAMBLE, AH SCHATZ Mathematics of Computation 31 (137), 94-111, 1977 | 376 | 1977 |
A finite element method for interface problems in domains with smooth boundaries and interfaces JH Bramble, JT King Advances in Computational Mathematics 6, 109-138, 1996 | 375 | 1996 |
Some estimates for a weighted 𝐿² projection JH Bramble, J Xu Mathematics of computation 56 (194), 463-476, 1991 | 354 | 1991 |
Triangular elements in the finite element method JH Bramble, M Zlámal Mathematics of Computation 24 (112), 809-820, 1970 | 352 | 1970 |
The analysis of multigrid algorithms with nonnested spaces or noninherited quadratic forms JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, J Xu Mathematics of Computation 56 (193), 1-34, 1991 | 333 | 1991 |
The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. IV JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, AH Schatz Mathematics of Computation 53 (187), 1-24, 1989 | 304 | 1989 |
An iterative method for elliptic problems on regions partitioned into substructures JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, AH Schatz Mathematics of Computation 46 (174), 361-369, 1986 | 304 | 1986 |
On the stability of the L2 projection in H1 (Ω) JH Bramble, JE Pasciak, O Steinbach Math. Comp 71 (237), 147-156, 2002 | 249 | 2002 |
A least-squares approach based on a discrete minus one inner product for first order systems J Bramble, R Lazarov, J Pasciak Mathematics of Computation 66 (219), 935-955, 1997 | 249 | 1997 |
The analysis of multigrid methods JH Bramble, X Zhang Handbook of numerical analysis 7, 173-415, 2000 | 239 | 2000 |
New convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms JH Bramble, JE Pasciak Mathematics of computation 49 (180), 311-329, 1987 | 239 | 1987 |