Siegfried Fouvry
Siegfried Fouvry
Director of Research at CNRS, LTDS (UMR 5513), Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Потвърден имейл адрес: ec-lyon.fr
Quantification of fretting damage
S Fouvry, P Kapsa, L Vincent
Wear 200 (1-2), 186-205, 1996
An energy description of wear mechanisms and its applications to oscillating sliding contacts
S Fouvry, T Liskiewicz, P Kapsa, S Hannel, E Sauger
Wear 255 (1-6), 287-298, 2003
Analysis of sliding behaviour for fretting loadings: determination of transition criteria
S Fouvry, P Kapsa, L Vincent
Wear 185 (1-2), 35-46, 1995
A quantitative approach of Ti–6Al–4V fretting damage: friction, wear and crack nucleation
S Fouvry, P Duó, P Perruchaut
Wear 257 (9-10), 916-929, 2004
Tribologically transformed structure in fretting
E Sauger, S Fouvry, L Ponsonnet, P Kapsa, JM Martin, L Vincent
Wear 245 (1-2), 39-52, 2000
Wear analysis in fretting of hard coatings through a dissipated energy concept
S Fouvry, P Kapsa, H Zahouani, L Vincent
Wear 203, 393-403, 1997
The fretting sliding transition as a criterion for electrical contact performance
S Hannel, S Fouvry, P Kapsa, L Vincent
Wear 249 (9), 761-770, 2001
A fretting crack initiation prediction taking into account the surface roughness and the crack nucleation process volume
H Proudhon, S Fouvry, JY Buffière
International Journal of fatigue 27 (5), 569-579, 2005
Effect of shot peening on the fretting wear of Ti–6Al–4V
V Fridrici, S Fouvry, P Kapsa
Wear 250 (1-12), 642-649, 2001
An elastic–plastic shakedown analysis of fretting wear
S Fouvry, P Kapsa, L Vincent
Wear 247 (1), 41-54, 2001
An energy description of hard coating wear mechanisms
S Fouvry, P Kapsa
Surface and Coatings technology 138 (2-3), 141-148, 2001
Finite element modelling of fretting wear surface evolution: Application to a Ti–6A1–4V contact
C Paulin, S Fouvry, C Meunier
Wear 264 (1-2), 26-36, 2008
Contact size, frequency and cyclic normal force effects on Ti–6Al–4V fretting wear processes: An approach combining friction power and contact oxygenation
S Fouvry, P Arnaud, A Mignot, P Neubauer
Tribology International 113, 460-473, 2017
Application of an energy wear approach to quantify fretting contact durability: Introduction of a wear energy capacity concept
S Fouvry, C Paulin, T Liskiewicz
Tribology International 40 (10-12), 1428-1440, 2007
A Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis of Fretting Contact Taking into Account the Size Effect
S Fouvry, P Kapsa, L Vincent
ASTM STP 1367, 167-182, 2000
Fretting wear of stainless steels under variable temperature conditions: introduction of a ‘composite’wear law
R Rybiak, S Fouvry, B Bonnet
Wear 268 (3-4), 413-423, 2010
Impact of contact size and complex gross–partial slip conditions on Ti–6Al–4V/Ti–6Al–4V fretting wear
S Fouvry, C Paulin, S Deyber
Tribology International 42 (3), 461-474, 2009
Identification of fretting fatigue crack propagation mechanisms using acoustic emission
J Meriaux, M Boinet, S Fouvry, JC Lenain
Tribology International 43 (11), 2166-2174, 2010
Fretting wear behavior of a Cu–Ni–In plasma coating
V Fridrici, S Fouvry, P Kapsa
Surface and Coatings Technology 163, 429-434, 2003
Development of a friction energy capacity approach to predict the surface coating endurance under complex oscillating sliding conditions
T Liskiewicz, S Fouvry
Tribology international 38 (1), 69-79, 2005
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