H van Houten
H van Houten
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Quantized conductance of point contacts in a two-dimensional electron gas
BJ Van Wees, H Van Houten, CWJ Beenakker, JG Williamson, ...
Physical Review Letters 60 (9), 848, 1988
Quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures
CWJ Beenakker, H van Houten
Solid state physics 44, 1-228, 1991
Josephson current through a superconducting quantum point contact shorter than the coherence length
CWJ Beenakker, H Van Houten
Physical review letters 66 (23), 3056, 1991
Coherent electron focusing with quantum point contacts in a two-dimensional electron gas
H Van Houten, CWJ Beenakker, JG Williamson, MEI Broekaart, ...
Physical Review B 39 (12), 8556, 1989
Billiard model of a ballistic multiprobe conductor
CWJ Beenakker, H Van Houten
Physical review letters 63 (17), 1857, 1989
Quantum ballistic and adiabatic electron transport studied with quantum point contacts
BJ van Wees, LP Kouwenhoven, EMM Willems, C Harmans, JE Mooij, ...
Physical Review B 43 (15), 12431, 1991
Quantized conductance of magnetoelectric subbands in ballistic point contacts
BJ Van Wees, LP Kouwenhoven, H Van Houten, CWJ Beenakker, ...
Physical Review B 38 (5), 3625, 1988
Coulomb-blockade oscillations in the thermopower of a quantum dot
AAM Staring, LW Molenkamp, BW Alphenaar, H Van Houten, OJA Buyk, ...
Europhysics Letters 22 (1), 57, 1993
Quantum point contacts
H Van Houten, C Beenakker
Physics today 49 (7), 22-27, 1996
Anomalous integer quantum Hall effect in the ballistic regime with quantum point contacts
BJ Van Wees, EMM Willems, C Harmans, CWJ Beenakker, H Van Houten, ...
Physical review letters 62 (10), 1181, 1989
Nonlinear conductance of quantum point contacts
LP Kouwenhoven, BJ Van Wees, C Harmans, JG Williamson, ...
Physical Review B 39 (11), 8040, 1989
Quantum oscillations in the transverse voltage of a channel in the nonlinear transport regime
LW Molenkamp, H Van Houten, CWJ Beenakker, R Eppenga, CT Foxon
Physical Review Letters 65 (8), 1052, 1990
Thermo-electric properties of quantum point contacts
H Van Houten, LW Molenkamp, CWJ Beenakker, CT Foxon
Semiconductor Science and Technology 7 (3B), B215, 1992
Characterization of very narrow quasi-one-dimensional quantum channels
KF Berggren, G Roos, H Van Houten
Physical Review B 37 (17), 10118, 1988
Boundary scattering and weak localization of electrons in a magnetic field
CWJ Beenakker, H Van Houten
Physical Review B 38 (5), 3232, 1988
Contment on" Conductance Oscülations Periodic in the Density of a One-Dimensionai Electron Gas
H Van Houten, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters, 1989
Magnetotransport and nonadditivity of point-contact resistances in series
CWJ Beenakker, H Van Houten
Physical Review B 39 (14), 10445, 1989
Peltier coefficient and thermal conductance of a quantum point contact
LW Molenkamp, T Gravier, H Van Houten, OJA Buijk, MAA Mabesoone, ...
Physical review letters 68 (25), 3765, 1992
Coherent electron focussing in a two-dimensional electron gas
H Van Houten, BJ Van Wees, JE Mooij, CWJ Beenakker, JG Williamson, ...
Europhysics Letters 5 (8), 721, 1988
Flux-cancellation effect on narrow-channel magnetoresistance fluctuations
CWJ Beenakker, H Van Houten
Physical Review B 37 (11), 6544, 1988
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