Lydia Stefanova
Lydia Stefanova
Потвърден имейл адрес: noaa.gov
The impact of climate change on rainfall Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) curves in Alabama
G Mirhosseini, P Srivastava, L Stefanova
Regional Environmental Change, DOI 10.1007/s10113-012-03, 2012
Improvement of the multimodel superensemble technique for seasonal forecasts
WT Yun, L Stefanova, TN Krishnamurti
Journal of Climate 16 (22), 3834-3840, 2003
The hurricane intensity issue
TN Krishnamurti, S Pattnaik, L Stefanova, TSVV Kumar, BP Mackey, ...
Monthly weather review 133 (7), 1886-1912, 2005
A multi‐model superensemble algorithm for seasonal climate prediction using DEMETER forecasts
WT Yun, L Stefanova, AK Mitra, TSVV Kumar, W Dewar, TN Krishnamurti
Tellus A 57 (3), 280-289, 2005
Interpretation of seasonal climate forecast using Brier skill score, the Florida State University superensemble, and the AMIP-I dataset
L Stefanova, TN Krishnamurti
Journal of Climate 15 (5), 537-544, 2002
A proxy for high-resolution regional reanalysis for the Southeast United States: assessment of precipitation variability in dynamically downscaled reanalyses
L Stefanova, V Misra, S Chan, M Griffin, JJ O’Brien, TJ Smith III
Climate dynamics 38 (11-12), 2449-2466, 2012
Seasonal forecasts of precipitation anomalies for North American and Asian monsoons
TN Krishnamurti, L Stefanova, A Chakraborty, V TSV, S Cocke, ...
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 80 (6), 1415-1426, 2002
Seasonal Atlantic tropical cyclone hindcasting/forecasting using two sea surface temperature datasets
TE LaRow, L Stefanova, DW Shin, S Cocke
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (2), 2010
A mechanism of the Madden–Julian oscillation based on interactions in the frequency domain
TN Krishnamurti, DR Chakraborty, N Cubukcu, L Stefanova, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2003
The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze
V Misra, L Moeller, L Stefanova, S Chan, JJ O'Brien, TJ Smith III, N Plant
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D21), 2011
The value of seasonal forecasts for irrigated, supplementary irrigated, and rainfed wheat cropping systems in northwest Mexico
MA Ramírez-Rodrigues, PD Alderman, L Stefanova, CM Cossani, ...
Agricultural Systems 147, 76-86, 2016
Tailoring wheat management to ENSO phases for increased wheat production in Paraguay
MA Ramirez-Rodrigues, S Asseng, C Fraisse, L Stefanova, A Eisenkolbi
Climate Risk Management 3, 24-38, 2014
Adapting wheat sowing dates to projected climate change in the Australian sub-tropic: analysis of crop water use and yield.
D Cammarano, B Basso, L Stefanova, P Grace
Crop and Pasture Science 63, 974-986, 2012
Hindcast skill and predictability for precipitation and two-meter air temperature anomalies in global circulation models over the Southeast United States
L Stefanova, V Misra, JJ O’Brien, EP Chassignet, S Hameed
Climate dynamics 38, 161-173, 2012
Using historical climate observations to understand future climate change crop yield impacts in the Southeastern US
D Cammarano, D Zierden, L Stefanova, S Asseng, JJ O’Brien, JW Jones
Climatic change 134, 311-326, 2016
High-resolution subtropical summer precipitation derived from dynamical downscaling of the NCEP/DOE reanalysis: how much small-scale information is added by a regional model?
YK Lim, LB Stefanova, SC Chan, SD Schubert, JJ O’Brien
Climate dynamics 37, 1061-1080, 2011
Evaluating the fidelity of downscaled climate data on simulated wheat and maize production in the southeastern US.
KB Cammarano, D., L. Stefanova, B. Ortiz, M. R
Regional Environmental Change, DOI 10.1007/s10113-013-04, 2013
Quantifying the Non-Gaussianity of Wintertime Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in the Southeast
L Stefanova, P Sura, M Griffin
Journal of Climate 26 (3), 838-850, 2013
On the twenty-first-century wet season projections over the Southeastern United States
C Selman, V Misra, L Stefanova, S Dinapoli, TJ Smith III
Regional Environmental Change 13, 153-164, 2013
Sources of subseasonal predictability over CONUS during boreal summer
V Krishnamurthy, J Meixner, L Stefanova, J Wang, D Worthen, S Moorthi, ...
Journal of Climate 34 (9), 3273-3294, 2021
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