Pouria Amirian
Challenges and opportunities of waste management in IoT-enabled smart cities: A survey
T Anagnostopoulos, A Zaslavsky, K Kolomvatsos, A Medvedev, P Amirian, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2 (3), 275-289, 2017
Indoor location based services challenges, requirements and usability of current solutions
A Basiri, ES Lohan, T Moore, A Winstanley, P Peltola, C Hill, P Amirian, ...
Computer Science Review 24, 1-12, 2017
An introduction to OpenStreetMap in Geographic Information Science: Experiences, research, and applications
J Jokar Arsanjani, A Zipf, P Mooney, M Helbich
OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, research, and applications, 1-15, 2015
Quality assessment of OpenStreetMap data using trajectory mining
A Basiri, M Jackson, P Amirian, A Pourabdollah, M Sester, A Winstanley, ...
Geo-spatial information science 19 (1), 56-68, 2016
The Use of Quick Response (QR) Codes in Landmark‐Based Pedestrian Navigation
A Basiri, P Amirian, A Winstanley
International Journal of Navigation and Observation 2014 (1), 897103, 2014
Predictive analytics for enhancing travel time estimation in navigation apps of Apple, Google, and Microsoft
P Amirian, A Basiri, J Morley
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on …, 2016
Evaluation of data management systems for geospatial big data
P Amirian, A Basiri, A Winstanley
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2014: 14th International …, 2014
Standards-based, interoperable services for accessing urban services data for the city of Tehran
P Amirian, AA Alesheikh, A Bassiri
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 34 (4), 309-321, 2010
Using big data analytics to extract disease surveillance information from point of care diagnostic machines
P Amirian, F van Loggerenberg, T Lang, A Thomas, R Peeling, A Basiri, ...
Pervasive and mobile computing 42, 470-486, 2017
Seamless pedestrian positioning and navigation using landmarks
A Basiri, P Amirian, A Winstanley, S Marsh, T Moore, G Gales
The Journal of Navigation 69 (1), 24-40, 2016
Using crowdsourced trajectories for automated OSM data entry approach
A Basiri, P Amirian, P Mooney
Sensors 16 (9), 1510, 2016
The next generation of navigational services using OpenStreetMap data: The integration of augmented reality and graph databases
P Amirian, A Basiri, G Gales, A Winstanley, J McDonald
OpenStreetmap in GIScience: Experiences, research, and applications, 211-228, 2015
Making tourist guidance systems more intelligent, adaptive and personalised using crowd sourced movement data
A Basiri, P Amirian, A Winstanley, T Moore
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 9, 413-427, 2018
Landmark-based pedestrian navigation using augmented reality and machine learning
P Amirian, A Basiri
Progress in Cartography: EuroCarto 2015, 451-465, 2016
Publishing geospatial data through geospatial web service and XML database system
P Amirian, AA Alesheikh
American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (10), 1358-1368, 2008
Beginning ArcGIS for desktop development using. NET
P Amirian
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Temporal relationships between rough time intervals
A Bassiri, MR Malek, AA Alesheikh, P Amirian
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2009: International …, 2009
Automatic map scaling in car navigation systems using context-aware computing
M Sheleiby, MR Malek, A Alesheikh, P Amirian
World Applied Sciences Journal 3 (1), 101-106, 2008
Efficient online sharing of geospatial big data using NoSQL XML databases
P Amirian, A Basiri, A Winstanley
2013 4th International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research …, 2013
Big Data in Healthcare: Extracting Knowledge from Point-of-Care Machines
P Amirian, T Lang, F Van Loggerenberg
Springer, 2017
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