Luiza Maria T. Aparecido
Luiza Maria T. Aparecido
Assistant Professor, University of Utah
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Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database
R Poyatos, V Granda, V Flo, MA Adams, B Adorján, D Aguadé, MPM Aidar, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2020, 1-57, 2020
High water use in desert plants exposed to extreme heat
LMT Aparecido, S Woo, C Suazo, KR Hultine, B Blonder
Ecology Letters, 2020
A revised hydrological model for the Central Amazon: the importance of emergent canopy trees in the forest water budget
N Kunert, LMT Aparecido, S Wolff, N Higuchi, J dos Santos, AC de Araujo, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 239, 47-57, 2017
Comparison of tree transpiration under wet and dry canopy conditions in a Costa Rican premontane tropical forest
LMT Aparecido, GR Miller, AT Cahill, GW Moore
Hydrological processes 30 (26), 5000-5011, 2016
Ecohydrological drivers of Neotropical vegetation in montane ecosystems
LMT Aparecido, GS Teodoro, G Mosquera, M Brum, FV Barros, ...
Ecohydrology 11 (3), e1932, 2018
Higher tree transpiration due to road-associated edge effects in a tropical moist lowland forest
N Kunert, LMT Aparecido, N Higuchi, J dos Santos, S Trumbore
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 213, 183-192, 2015
Leaf surface traits and water storage retention affect photosynthetic responses to leaf surface wetness among wet tropical forest and semiarid savanna plants
LMT Aparecido, GR Miller, AT Cahill, GW Moore
Tree Physiology 37 (10), 1285-1300, 2017
Upscaling transpiration in diverse forests: insights from a tropical premontane site
GW Moore, G Orozco, LMT Aparecido, GR Miller
Ecohydrology 11 (3), e1920, 2018
Precipitation mediates sap flux sensitivity to evaporative demand in the neotropics
C Grossiord, B Christoffersen, AM Alonso-Rodríguez, ...
Oecologia 191, 519-530, 2019
Ecological applications of differences in the hydraulic efficiency of palms and broad-leaved trees
LMT Aparecido, J Dos Santos, N Higuchi, N Kunert
Trees 29, 1431-1445, 2015
Understanding the controls over forest carbon use efficiency on small spatial scales: Effects of forest disturbance and tree diversity
N Kunert, TS El-Madany, LMT Aparecido, S Wolf, C Potvin
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 269, 136-144, 2019
Plant water use theory should incorporate hypotheses about extreme environments, population ecology, and community ecology
BW Blonder, LMT Aparecido, KR Hultine, D Lombardozzi, ST Michaletz, ...
New Phytologist 238 (6), 2271-2283, 2023
Relevance of wood anatomy and size of Amazonian trees in the determination and allometry of sapwood area
LMT Aparecido, J Santos, N Higuchi, N Kunert
Acta Amazonica 49 (1), 1-10, 2019
Modeling land surface processes over a mountainous rainforest in Costa Rica using CLM4. 5 and CLM5
J Song, GR Miller, AT Cahill, LMT Aparecido, GW Moore
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (11), 5147-5173, 2020
Ecohydrological drivers of Neotropical vegetation in montane ecosystems, Ecohydrology, 11, e1932
LMT Aparecido, GS Teodoro, G Mosquera, M Brum, FV Barros, ...
Limits of thermal and hydrological tolerance in a foundation tree species (Populus fremontii) in the desert southwestern United States
ME Moran, LMT Aparecido, DF Koepke, HF Cooper, CE Doughty, ...
New Phytologist 240 (6), 2298-2311, 2023
Transpiration in recovering mixed loblolly pine and oak stands following wildfire in the Lost Pines region of Texas
CE Cooper, LMT Aparecido, JP Muir, CLS Morgan, JL Heilman, ...
Ecohydrology 12 (1), e2052, 2019
Modeling potential impacts of planting palms or tree in small holder fruit plantations on ecohydrological processes in the Central Amazon
N Kunert, LM Teóphilo Aparecido, P Barros, N Higuchi
Forests 6 (8), 2530-2544, 2015
Evolução das variáveis dendrométricas da bracatinga por classe de sítio
SA Machado, RF Souza, LMT Aparecido, A Ribeiro, BH Czelusniak
Cerne 21 (2), 199-207, 2015
Canopy-top measurements do not accurately quantify canopy-scale leaf thermoregulation
JC Garen, LMT Aparecido, BW Blonder, MA Cavaleri, M Slot, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (15), e2301914120, 2023
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