Giuseppe Esposito
Giuseppe Esposito
Потвърден имейл адрес: irpi.cnr.it
The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management
H Kreibich, AF Van Loon, K Schröter, PJ Ward, M Mazzoleni, N Sairam, ...
Nature 608 (7921), 80-86, 2022
Application of UAV photogrammetry for the multi-temporal estimation of surface extent and volumetric excavation in the Sa Pigada Bianca open-pit mine, Sardinia, Italy
G Esposito, G Mastrorocco, R Salvini, M Oliveti, P Starita
Environmental Earth Sciences 76 (3), 103, 2017
Multitemporal monitoring of a coastal landslide through SfM‐derived point cloud comparison
G Esposito, R Salvini, F Matano, M Sacchi, M Danzi, R Somma, C Troise
The Photogrammetric Record 32 (160), 459-479, 2017
Use of a remotely piloted aircraft system for hazard assessment in a rocky mining area (Lucca, Italy)
R Salvini, G Mastrorocco, G Esposito, S Di Bartolo, J Coggan, ...
European Geosciences Union 18, 287-302, 2018
Analysis of increasing flash flood frequency in the densely urbanized coastline of the Campi Flegrei volcanic area, Italy.
G Esposito, F Matano, G Scepi
Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 63, 2018
A spaceborne SAR-based procedure to support the detection of landslides
G Esposito, I Marchesini, AC Mondini, P Reichenbach, M Rossi, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 2379-2395, 2020
Geostructure of Coroglio tuff cliff, Naples (Italy) derived from terrestrial laser scanner data
F Matano, S Iuliano, R Somma, E Marino, U del Vecchio, G Esposito, ...
Journal of Maps 12 (3), 407-421, 2016
Laser scanning application for geostructural analysis of tuffaceous coastal cliffs: the case of Punta Epitaffio, Pozzuoli Bay, Italy
F Matano, A Pignalosa, E Marino, G Esposito, M Caccavale, T Caputo, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 48 (1), 615-637, 2015
Evaluation of geomorphic changes and retreat rates of a coastal pyroclastic cliff in the Campi Flegrei volcanic district, southern Italy
G Esposito, R Salvini, F Matano, M Sacchi, C Troise
Journal of Coastal Conservation, https://rdcu.be/N1Rd, 2018
Inventory of landslides triggered by an extreme rainfall event in Marche-Umbria, Italy, on 15 September 2022
M Santangelo, O Althuwaynee, M Alvioli, F Ardizzone, C Bianchi, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 427, 2023
Post-fire erosion response in a watershed mantled by volcaniclastic deposits, Sarno Mountains, Southern Italy
G Esposito, F Matano, F Molisso, G Ruoppolo, A Di Benedetto, M Sacchi
CATENA 152, 227-241, 2017
Rainfall conditions leading to runoff-initiated post-fire debris flows in Campania, Southern Italy
G Esposito, SL Gariano, R Masi, S Alfano, G Giannatiempo
Geomorphology 423, 108557, 2023
Earthquake fingerprints along fault scarps: A case study of the Irpinia 1980 earthquake fault (southern Apennines)
PAC Galli, E Peronace, B Quadrio, G Esposito
Geomorphology 206, 97-106, 2014
Detection and Geometrical Characterization of a Buried Landfill Site by Integrating Land Use Historical Analysis, Digital Photogrammetry and Airborne Lidar Data
G Esposito, F Matano, M Sacchi
Geosciences 8 (9), 348, 2018
Landslides triggered by an extraordinary rainfall event in Central Italy on September 15, 2022
M Donnini, M Santangelo, SL Gariano, F Bucci, S Peruccacci, M Alvioli, ...
Landslides 20 (10), 2199-2211, 2023
Characterizing Consecutive Flooding Events after the 2017 Mt. Salto Wildfires (Southern Italy): Hazard and Emergency Management Implications
G Esposito, A Parodi, M Lagasio, R Masi, G Nanni, F Russo, S Alfano, ...
Water 11 (12), 2663, 2019
Application of laser scanning for monitoring coastal cliff instability in the Pozzuoli Bay, Coroglio site, Posillipo Hill, Naples
R Somma, F Matano, E Marino, T Caputo, G Esposito, M Caccavale, ...
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 5: Urban Geology …, 2015
Clues of wildfire-induced geotechnical changes in volcanic soils affected by post-fire slope instabilities
D Peduto, L Iervolino, G Esposito, V Foresta, F Matano, R Masi
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81 (10), 454, 2022
Panta Rhei benchmark dataset: socio-hydrological data of paired events of floods and droughts
H Kreibich, K Schröter, G Di Baldassarre, A Van Loon, M Mazzoleni, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2023, 1-27, 2023
Insights gained into geo-hydrological disaster management 25 years after the catastrophic landslides of 1998 in southern Italy
G Esposito, P Salvati, C Bianchi
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 84, 103440, 2023
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