Tarmo Robal
Webcam-based attention tracking in online learning: A feasibility study
T Robal, Y Zhao, C Lofi, C Hauff
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2018
IntelliEye: Enhancing MOOC Learners' Video Watching Experience through Real-Time Attention Tracking
T Robal, Y Zhao, C Lofi, C Hauff
Proceedings of the 29th on Hypertext and Social Media, 106-114, 2018
Applying User Profile Ontology for Mining Web Site Adaptation Recommendations.
T Robal, A Kalja
ADBIS Research Communications, 126-135, 2007
Making web users’ domain models explicit by applying ontologies
T Robal, HM Haav, A Kalja
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 170-179, 2007
Applying e-environments in teaching the basics of digital logic
T Robal, A Kalja
2007 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE …, 2007
Ontology design for automatic evaluation of web user interface usability
T Robal, J Marenkov, A Kalja
2017 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2017
New generations of Estonian eGovernment components
A Kalja, T Robal, U Vallner
2015 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2015
Bing-CF-IDF+: A semantics-driven news recommender system
E Brocken, A Hartveld, E de Koning, T van Noort, F Hogenboom, ...
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 31st International Conference …, 2019
Stationary vs. Non-stationary Mobile Learning in MOOCs
Y Zhao, T Robal, C Lofi, C Hauff
Adjunct Publication of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and …, 2018
Teaching modeling in SysML/UML and problems encountered
H Kruus, T Robal, G Jervan
2014 25th EAEEIE Annual Conference (EAEEIE), 33-36, 2014
Analysing the web log to determine the efficiency of web systems
T Robal, A Kalja, J Põld
Proc. of the 7th International Baltic Conference on Databases and …, 2006
Modernization of the e-government in Estonia
A Kalja, J Põld, T Robal, U Vallner
2011 Proceedings of PICMET'11: Technology Management in the Energy Smart …, 2011
Guideliner: a Tool to Improve Web UI Development for Better Usability
J Marenkov, T Robal, A Kalja
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2018
eGovernment Services: How to Develop Them, How to Manage Them?
A Kalja, K Kindel, R Kivi, T Robal
PICMET'07-2007 Portland International Conference on Management of …, 2007
Business Process Mining in Warehouses: a Case Study
HM Haav, A Kalja, T Robal
Towards personalized elevator travel with smart elevator system
T Robal, U Reinsalu, M Leier
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 8 (4), 675-697, 2020
Fair and Individualized Project Teamwork Evaluation for an Engineering Course
T Robal
2018 28th EAEEIE Annual Conference (EAEEIE), 1-9, 2018
The Rational Unified Process with the" 4+ 1" View Model of Software Architecture-a Way for Modeling Web Applications.
T Robal, V Viies, M Kruus
BalticDB&IS, 119-132, 2002
Spontaneous Webcam Instance for User Attention Tracking
T Robal
Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2019
Managing software engineering competences with domain ontology for customer and team profiling and training
T Robal, D Ojastu, A Kalja, H Jaakkola
2015 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and …, 2015
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