Lebedeva Natalia
Lebedeva Natalia
Потвърден имейл адрес: imec.msu.ru
A combined fully Lagrangian approach to mesh-free modelling of transient two-phase flows
NA Lebedeva, AN Osiptsov, SS Sazhin
Atomization and Sprays 23 (1), 2013
Structure of inertial-admixture accumulation zones in a tornado-like flow
NA Lebedeva, AN Osiptsov
Fluid Dynamics 44 (1), 68-79, 2009
Insights on overflushing strategies from a novel modeling approach to displacement of yield-stress fluids in a fracture
A Osiptsov, E Zilonova, S Boronin, J Desroches, N Lebedeva, D Willberg
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D031S042R003, 2016
Inertial migration of sedimenting particles in a suspension flow through a Hele-Shaw cell
ES Asmolov, NA Lebedeva, AA Osiptsov
Fluid Dynamics 44 (3), 405-418, 2009
On the hyperbolicity of one-dimensional models for transient two-phase flow in a pipeline
VD Zhibaedov, NA Lebedeva, AA Osiptsov, KF Sin’kov
Fluid Dynamics 51 (1), 56-69, 2016
Структура зон аккумуляции инерционной примеси в течении типа торнадо
НА Лебедева, АН Осипцов
Известия Российской академии наук. Механика жидкости и газа, 83-96, 2009
Migration of settling particles in a horizontal viscous flow through a vertical slot with porous walls
NA Lebedeva, ES Asmolov
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 37 (5), 453-461, 2011
A combined Lagrangian method for simulation of axisymmetric gas-particle vortex flows
NA Lebedeva, AN Osiptsov
Fluid Dynamics 51, 647-659, 2016
Flows near stagnation points in non-orthogonally colliding disperse viscous flows
NA Lebedeva, AN Osiptsov
Fluid Dynamics 42 (5), 754-765, 2007
Течения вблизи критических точек при несимметричном столкновении вязких дисперсных потоков
НА Лебедева, АН Осипцов
Известия Российской академии наук. Механика жидкости и газа, 85-97, 2007
Slug capturing scheme for gas-liquid pipe flows based on two-pressure two-fluid model
D Shaposhnikov, N Lebedeva, A Starostin
AIP Conference Proceedings 1648 (1), 2015
Jet and vortex ring-like structures in internal combustion engines: Stability analysis and analytical solutions
SS Sazhin, SA Boronin, S Begg, C Crua, J Healey, NA Lebedeva, ...
Procedia IUTAM 8, 196-204, 2013
Methods and systems for investigation and prediction of slug flow in a pipeline
A Lukyanov, B Krasnopolsky, A Starostin, N Lebedeva
US Patent App. 15/624,995, 2017
BtrI, a novel restriction endonuclease, recognises the non-palindromic sequence 5′-CACGTC(-3/-3)-3′
SK Degtyarev, OA Belichenko, NA Lebedeva, VS Dedkov, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 28 (11), e56-e56, 2000
Comparative Studies of the Use of Calcium Borate and Colemanite in the Production of Type-E Glass Fiber
SV Zavarina, NA Lebedeva, IN Gorina, AA Chukatkina, NI Ovchinnikova
Glass and Ceramics 75 (5), 177-180, 2018
Geochemistry and some genetic aspects of Devonian alkaline igneous rocks from the Pripyat rift (southwestern part of the East European Craton)
G Volkova, E Yutkina, A Nosova, L Sazonova, N Lebedeva
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 207, 2018
Numerical modeling of gas-liquid compressible pipe flow based on the theory of thermodynamically compatible systems
AA Belozerov, EI Romenski, NA Lebedeva
J. Math. Sci 228 (4), 357-371, 2018
Aerodynamic focusing of inertial particles in supersonic micronozzles
O Rybdylova, N Lebedeva, A Kudryavtsev, A Shershnev
PAMM 13 (1), 503-504, 2013
A combined fully Lagrangian approach to modeling two-phase dispersed flows.
N Lebedeva
Doklady Physics 58 (6), 2013
Method for preventing formation of a slug flow regime of a gas-liquid mixture in a non-linear wellbore or pipeline
NA Lebedeva, AA Osiptsov, DM Willberg
US Patent App. 15/655,995, 2018
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