Статии с изисквания за обществен достъп - bolshakov vyНаучете повече
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Amygdala-dependent regulation of electrical properties of hippocampal interneurons in a model of schizophrenia
B Gisabella, MG Cunningham, VY Bolshakov, FM Benes
Biological psychiatry 65 (6), 464-472, 2009
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Налице някъде: 38
Emotional enhancement of memory: how norepinephrine enables synaptic plasticity
K Tully, VY Bolshakov
Molecular brain 3, 1-9, 2010
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Synaptic encoding of fear extinction in mPFC-amygdala circuits
JH Cho, K Deisseroth, VY Bolshakov
Neuron 80 (6), 1491-1507, 2013
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Essential role for TRPC5 in amygdala function and fear-related behavior
A Riccio, Y Li, J Moon, KS Kim, KS Smith, U Rudolph, S Gapon, GL Yao, ...
Cell 137 (4), 761-772, 2009
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Post-traumatic stress disorder: clinical and translational neuroscience from cells to circuits
KJ Ressler, S Berretta, VY Bolshakov, IM Rosso, EG Meloni, SL Rauch, ...
Nature Reviews Neurology 18 (5), 273-288, 2022
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Presenilin-1 knockin mice reveal loss-of-function mechanism for familial Alzheimer’s disease
D Xia, H Watanabe, B Wu, SH Lee, Y Li, E Tsvetkov, VY Bolshakov, ...
Neuron 85 (5), 967-981, 2015
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Multiple risk pathways for schizophrenia converge in serine racemase knockout mice, a mouse model of NMDA receptor hypofunction
DT Balu, Y Li, MD Puhl, MA Benneyworth, AC Basu, S Takagi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (26), E2400-E2409, 2013
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
hPSC-derived maturing GABAergic interneurons ameliorate seizures and abnormal behavior in epileptic mice
M Cunningham, JH Cho, A Leung, G Savvidis, S Ahn, M Moon, PKJ Lee, ...
Cell stem cell 15 (5), 559-573, 2014
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Human autologous iPSC–derived dopaminergic progenitors restore motor function in Parkinson’s disease models
B Song, Y Cha, S Ko, J Jeon, N Lee, H Seo, KJ Park, IH Lee, C Lopes, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 130 (2), 904-920, 2020
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Cell selective conditional null mutations of serine racemase demonstrate a predominate localization in cortical glutamatergic neurons
MA Benneyworth, Y Li, AC Basu, VY Bolshakov, JT Coyle
Cellular and molecular neurobiology 32, 613-624, 2012
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Efficient specification of interneurons from human pluripotent stem cells by dorsoventral and rostrocaudal modulation
TG Kim, R Yao, T Monnell, JH Cho, A Vasudevan, A Koh, KT Peeyush, ...
Stem cells 32 (7), 1789-1804, 2014
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Decreased anxiety-like behavior and Gαq/11-dependent responses in the amygdala of mice lacking TRPC4 channels
A Riccio, Y Li, E Tsvetkov, S Gapon, GL Yao, KS Smith, E Engin, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (10), 3653-3667, 2014
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
ES cell-derived renewable and functional midbrain dopaminergic progenitors
S Chung, JI Moon, A Leung, D Aldrich, S Lukianov, Y Kitayama, S Park, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (23), 9703-9708, 2011
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Modulation of anxiety and fear via distinct intrahippocampal circuits
E Engin, KS Smith, Y Gao, D Nagy, RA Foster, E Tsvetkov, R Keist, ...
Elife 5, e14120, 2016
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Tonic inhibitory control of dentate gyrus granule cells by α5-containing GABAA receptors reduces memory interference
E Engin, ED Zarnowska, D Benke, E Tsvetkov, M Sigal, R Keist, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (40), 13698-13712, 2015
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Identity of endogenous NMDAR glycine site agonist in amygdala is determined by synaptic activity level
Y Li, S Sacchi, L Pollegioni, AC Basu, JT Coyle, VY Bolshakov
Nature communications 4 (1), 1760, 2013
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Mechanisms of fear learning and extinction: synaptic plasticity–fear memory connection
NV Luchkina, VY Bolshakov
Psychopharmacology 236, 163-182, 2019
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Learning and reconsolidation implicate different synaptic mechanisms
Y Li, EG Meloni, WA Carlezon Jr, MR Milad, RK Pitman, K Nader, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (12), 4798-4803, 2013
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Hierarchical order of coexisting pre-and postsynaptic forms of long-term potentiation at synapses in amygdala
RM Shin, K Tully, Y Li, JH Cho, M Higuchi, T Suhara, VY Bolshakov
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (44), 19073-19078, 2010
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
Coactivation of thalamic and cortical pathways induces input timing–dependent plasticity in amygdala
JH Cho, IT Bayazitov, EG Meloni, KM Myers, WA Carlezon Jr, ...
Nature neuroscience 15 (1), 113-122, 2012
Изисквания: US National Institutes of Health
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