Jessica B. Hoel
Do beliefs about herbicide quality correspond with actual quality in local markets? Evidence from Uganda
M Ashour, DO Gilligan, JB Hoel, NI Karachiwalla
The Journal of Development Studies 55 (6), 1285-1306, 2019
Heterogeneous households: A within-subject test of asymmetric information between spouses in Kenya
JB Hoel
Journal of economic behavior & organization 118, 123-135, 2015
Ask me why: Patterns of intrahousehold decision-making
T Bernard, C Doss, M Hidrobo, J Hoel, C Kieran
World Development 125, 104671, 2020
What do intra-household experiments measure? Evidence from the lab and field
JB Hoel, M Hidrobo, T Bernard, M Ashour
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 188, 337-350, 2021
Misattribution prevents learning
JB Hoel, H Michelson, B Norton, V Manyong
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106 (5), 1571-1594, 2024
Self-control exertion and the expression of time preference: Experimental results from Ethiopia
JB Hoel, B Schwab, J Hoddinott
Journal of Economic Psychology 52, 136-146, 2016
Evaluation of the social cash transfer pilot programme: Tigray Region, Ethiopia: Endline report
G Berhane, S Devereux, JF Hoddinott, JB Hoel, K Roelen, K Abay, ...
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2015
Feed the Future (FtF) of Ethiopia–baseline report 2013
F Bachewe, G Berhane, K Hirvonen, J Hoddinott, J Hoel, F Tadesse, ...
Addis Ababa: Ethiopia Strategy Support Program and International Food Policy …, 2014
Efficiency and status in polygynous pastoralist households
M Hidrobo, JB Hoel, K Wilson
The Journal of Development Studies 57 (2), 326-342, 2021
Peer effects: do first-year classmates, roommates, and dormmates affect students’ academic success
J Hoel, J Parker, J Rivenburg
Higher education data sharing consortium winter conference, Santa Fe, NM, 2005
A test for classmate peer effects in higher education
J Hoel, J Parker, J Rivenburg
Portland, Ore.: Reed College, 2006
Essays on Household Economics in Kenya.
JB Hoel
Smartphone platform survey-scale heart rate collection: A performance evaluation in Ethiopia
JAJ Heathers, JB Hoel, S Wegerif, B Schwab, N Ledlie, K Abay, ...
Proceedings of the Wireless Health 2014 on National Institutes of Health, 1-6, 2014
JUST VENMO ME: Does form of payment affect risk taking and intertemporal choice?
JB Hoel, P Jain, B Galaty
Journal of the Economic Science Association 8 (1-2), 16-33, 2022
Ill-informed beliefs: Misperceptions of the costs of unplanned parental absences
E Giffin, J Hoel, P Jain
Available at SSRN 4646861, 2023
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