Carlos E. Pereira Nunes
Carlos E. Pereira Nunes
Други именаCarlos E. P. Nunes, Carlos Eduardo Pereira Nunes
Posdoctoral Researcher, Kunming Institute of Botany, China
Потвърден имейл адрес: ufvjm.edu.br - Начална страница
Anticonvulsant, sedative, anxiolytic and antidepressant activities of the essential oil of Annona vepretorum in mice: Involvement of GABAergic and serotonergic systems
TC Diniz, RG de Oliveira Junior, MAMB Medeiros, MG e Silva, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 111, 1074-1087, 2019
The dilemma of being a fragrant flower: the major floral volatile attracts pollinators and florivores in the euglossine-pollinated orchid Dichaea pendula
CEP Nunes, MFGV Peñaflor, JMS Bento, MJ Salvador, M Sazima
Oecologia, 2016
Polinização por abelhas
M Pinheiro, MC Gaglianone, CEP Nunes, MR Sigrist, I Alves-dos-Santos
Biologia da polinização, 2014
Neuropharmacological effects of essential oil from the leaves of Croton conduplicatus Kunth and possible mechanisms of action involved
RG de Oliveira Júnior, CAA Ferraz, JC Silva, RB de Andrade Teles, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 221, 65-76, 2018
Two orchids, one scent? Floral volatiles of Catasetum cernuum and Gongora bufonia suggest convergent evolution to a unique pollination niche
CEP Nunes, G Gerlach, KDO Bandeira, L Gobbo-Neto, ER Pansarin, ...
Flora 232, 207-216, 2017
Parasitoids Turn Herbivores into Mutualists in a Nursery System Involving Active Pollination
CEP Nunes, PK Maruyama, M Azevedo-Silva, M Sazima
Current Biology 28 (6), 980-986. e3, 2018
Biomechanical properties of a buzz-pollinated flower
VLG Brito, CEP Nunes, CR Resende, F Montealegre-Zapata, ...
Royal Society open science 7 (9), 201010, 2020
Anther cones increase pollen release in buzz‐pollinated Solanum flowers
M Vallejo‐Marín, CE Pereira Nunes, AL Russell
Evolution 76 (5), 931-945, 2022
Anatomy of the floral nectary of ornithophilous Elleanthus brasiliensis (Orchidaceae: Sobralieae)
CEP Nunes, MM Castro, L Galetto, M Sazima
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 171 (4), 764-772, 2013
Data standardization of plant–pollinator interactions
JA Salim, AM Saraiva, PF Zermoglio, K Agostini, M Wolowski, DP Drucker, ...
GigaScience 11, giac043, 2022
Pollination ecology of two species of Elleanthus (Orchidaceae): novel mechanisms and underlying adaptations to hummingbird pollination
CEP Nunes, FW Amorim, JLS Mayer, M Sazima
Plant Biology 18 (1), 15-25, 2016
Deep in the Jelly: Histochemical and Functional Aspects of Mucilage-Secreting Floral Colleters in the Orchids Elleanthus brasiliensis and E. crinipes
F Cassola, CEP Nunes, MG Lusa, VL Garcia, JLS Mayer
Frontiers in plant science 10, 518, 2019
Variation in the natural frequency of stamens in six morphologically diverse, buzz-pollinated, heterantherous Solanum taxa and its relationship to bee vibrations
CEP Nunes, L Nevard, F Montealegre-Z, M Vallejo-Marín
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 197 (4), 541-553, 2021
More than euglossines: the diverse pollinators and floral scents of Zygopetalinae orchids
CEP Nunes, M Wolowski, ER Pansarin, G Gerlach, I Aximoff, ...
The Science of Nature 104, 1-17, 2017
Are native bees and Apis mellifera equally efficient pollinators of the rupestrian grassland daisy Aspilia jolyana (Asteraceae)?
PK Maruyama, CEP Nunes, J Vizentin-Bugoni, S Gustafsson, ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica 32, 386-391, 2018
Nectar ecology of the endemic epiphytic hummingbird-pollinated bromeliad Vriesea altodaserrae: secretion dynamics and pollinator visitation pattern
CEP Nunes, J Briet, L Galetto, M Sazima, FW Amorim
Acta Botanica Brasilica 32, 479-486, 2018
Meaningful words in crowd noise: searching for volatiles relevant to carpenter bees among the diverse scent blends of bee flowers
G Rabeschini, P Joaquim Bergamo, CEP Nunes
Journal of Chemical Ecology 47 (4), 444-454, 2021
Interações planta-polinizador em vegetação de altitude na Mata Atlântica
M Wolowski, CEP Nunes, FW Amorim, J Vizentin-Bugoni, I Aximoff, ...
Oecologia Australis 20 (2), 7-23, 2016
Floral oil production in a family dominated by pollen flowers: The case of Macairea radula (Melastomataceae)
LC Oliveira, CEP Nunes, VLG Brito, APS Caetano
Flora 288, 152008, 2022
Macroevolution of floral scent chemistry across radiations of male euglossine bee-pollinated plants
JW Liu, P Milet-Pinheiro, G Gerlach, M Ayasse, CEP Nunes, ...
Evolution 78 (1), 98-110, 2024
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