Giorgio De Michelis
Giorgio De Michelis
Потвърден имейл адрес: disco.unimib.it
Design things
T Binder, G De Michelis, P Ehn, G Jacucci, P Linde
MIT press, 2011
Cooperative information systems: a manifesto
G De Michelis, E Dubois, M Jarke, F Matthes, J Mylopoulos, ...
Cooperative Information Systems: Trends & Directions, 315-165, 1997
Situating conversations within the language/action perspective: the Milan Conversation Model
G De Michelis, MA Grasso
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 1994
A light workflow management system using simple process models
A Agostini, G De Michelis
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 9, 335-363, 2000
Improving flexibility of workflow management systems
A Agostini, G De Michelis
Business process management: Models, techniques, and empirical studies, 218-234, 2002
A three-faceted view of information systems
G De Michelis, E Dubois, M Jarke, F Matthes, J Mylopoulos, JW Schmidt, ...
Communications of the ACM 41 (12), 64-70, 1998
CHAOS as coordination technology
F De Cindio, G De Michelis, C Simone, R Vassallo, AM Zanaboni
Proceedings of the 1986 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative …, 1986
Concurrency versus interleaving: an instructuve example
L Castellano, GD Michelis, L Pomello
Bulletin of the EATCS 31, 12-14, 1987
Superposed automata nets
F De Cindio, G De Michelis, L Pomello, C Simone
Application and Theory of Petri Nets: Selected Papers from the First and the …, 1982
Stimulating knowledge discovery and sharing
A Agostini, S Albolino, G De Michelis, F De Paoli, R Dondi
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group …, 2003
Contexts, work processes, and workspaces
A Agostini, G De Michelis, MA Grasso, W Prinz, A Syri
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 5, 223-250, 1996
Reengineering a business process with an innovative workflow management system: a case study
A Agostini, G De Michelis, MA Grasso, S Patriarca
Proceedings of the conference on Organizational computing systems, 154-165, 1993
Cooperation and knowledge creation
G De Michelis
Knowledge emergence: social, technical and evolutionary dimensions of …, 2001
On the synchronic structure of transition systems
L Bernardinello, G De Michelis, K Petruni, S Vigna
Structures in Concurrency Theory: Proceedings of the International Workshop …, 1995
Rethinking CSCW systems: the architecture of Milano
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, A Agostini, G De Michelis, ...
Proceedings of the fifth european conference on computer supported …, 1997
Supporting configurability in a mixed-media environment for design students
T Binder, G De Michelis, M Gervautz, G Jacucci, K Matkovic, T Psik, ...
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8, 310-325, 2004
Organizzazione e società: Innovare le organizzazioni nell'Italia che vogliamo
F Butera
Marsilio Editori spa, 2022
Computer support for cooperative work: Computers between users and social complexity
G De Michelis
Organizational Learning and Technological Change, 307-330, 1995
User-driven prioritization of features for a prospective InterPersonal Health Record: perceptions from the Italian context
F Cabitza, C Simone, G De Michelis
Computers in biology and medicine 59, 202-210, 2015
A prototype of an integrated coordination support system
A Agostini, G De Michelis, S Patriarca, R Tinini
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 2, 209-238, 1993
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