Two-dimensional Fermi surfaces in Kondo insulator SmB6 G Li, Z Xiang, F Yu, T Asaba, B Lawson, P Cai, C Tinsman, A Berkley, ...
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388 2014 Magnetotransport measurements of the surface states of samarium hexaboride using Corbino structures S Wolgast, YS Eo, T Öztürk, G Li, Z Xiang, C Tinsman, T Asaba, B Lawson, ...
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62 2015 Multiple Fermi surfaces in superconducting Nb-doped BJ Lawson, P Corbae, G Li, F Yu, T Asaba, C Tinsman, Y Qiu, ...
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52 2016 Magnetic phase diagram of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy inferred from torque magnetization and thermal conductivity F Yu, M Hirschberger, T Loew, G Li, BJ Lawson, T Asaba, JB Kemper, ...
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49 2016 Quantum oscillations in in high magnetic fields BJ Lawson, G Li, F Yu, T Asaba, C Tinsman, T Gao, W Wang, YS Hor, L Li
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40 2014 High-field magnetic ground state in kagome lattice antiferromagnet T Asaba, TH Han, BJ Lawson, F Yu, C Tinsman, Z Xiang, G Li, YS Lee, ...
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22 2014 Quantum oscillations in Kondo Insulator SmB G Li, Z Xiang, F Yu, T Asaba, B Lawson, P Cai, C Tinsman, A Berkley, ...
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20 2013 Consistency of photoemission and quantum oscillations for surface states of SmB6 JD Denlinger, S Jang, G Li, L Chen, BJ Lawson, T Asaba, C Tinsman, ...
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19 2016 Probing the thermal Hall effect using miniature capacitive strontium titanate thermometry C Tinsman, G Li, C Su, T Asaba, B Lawson, F Yu, L Li
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8 2014 Hysteretic Magnetotransport in SmB6 at Low Magnetic Fields YS Eo, S Wolgast, G Li, Z Xiang, C Tinsman, T Asaba, F Yu, B Lawson, ...
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2 2014 Comparison of the Fermi Surfaces of Bi2Se3, CuxBi2Se3, and NbxBi2Se3 B Lawson, P Corbae, G Li, F Yu, T Asaba, C Tinsman, Y Qiu, ...
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2017
2017 Magnetometry with Quartz Tuning Fork L Chen, F Yu, Z Xiang, C Tinsman, T Asaba, B Lawson, W Wu, L Li
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2017
2017 Thermoelectric Measurements and Angle-Resolved Magnetic Torque in Kondo Insulator SmB6 Z Xiang, C Tinsman, T Asaba, B Lawson, G Li, F Yu, L Chen, H Baek, ...
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2017
2017 Thermoelectric Measurements on InAs/GaSb double Quantum Well F Yu, T Li, R Liu, G Li, Z Xiang, C Tinsman, R Du, L Li
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2017
2017 Measuring the Thermal Hall Effect with Oxygen-18 Annealed Strontium Titanate Capacitive Thermometry C Tinsman, Z Xiang, G Li, F Yu, T Asaba, B Lawson, L Chen, L Li
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2017
2017 Observation of the Thermal Hall Effect Using Capacitive Thermometers in Bismuth C Tinsman, G Li, F Yu, T Asaba, B Lawson, C Su, L Li
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2016
2016 Multi-orbits observed in superconducting Nb-doped Bi2Se3 B Lawson, P Corbae, G Li, F Yu, T Asaba, C Tinsman, Y Qiu, YS Hor, L Li
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2016