Kaupankäynnistä kumppanuuteen J Vesalainen Yritystenvälisten suhteiden elementit, analysointi ja kehittäminen. MET …, 2002 | 230* | 2002 |
Modelling different types of multilateral co-operation between SMEs E Varamäki, J Vesalainen Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 15 (1), 27-47, 2003 | 164 | 2003 |
Virtual organization and the SMEs: a review and model development T Pihkala, E Varamaki, J Vesalainen Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 11 (4), 335-349, 1999 | 161 | 1999 |
Enabling relationship structures and relationship performance improvement: The moderating role of relational capital M Kohtamäki, J Vesalainen, S Henneberg, P Naudé, MJ Ventresca Industrial Marketing Management 41 (8), 1298-1309, 2012 | 146 | 2012 |
Strategic capability architecture: The role of network capability J Vesalainen, H Hakala Industrial Marketing Management 43 (6), 938-950, 2014 | 144 | 2014 |
Verkostot liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä K Valkokari, R Hyötyläinen, H Kulmala, P Malinen, K Möller, J Vesalainen Helsinki: WSOYpro, 2009 | 143 | 2009 |
Motivation structure and entrepreneurial intentions J Vesalainen, T Pihkala Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 19, 73-87, 1999 | 129 | 1999 |
Entrepreneurial identity, intentions and the effect of the push-factor J Vesalainen, T Pihkala Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 5 (2), 1-24, 1999 | 128 | 1999 |
Katetta kumppanuudelle J Vesalainen Hyöty ja sen jakaminen asiakas-toimittaja-suhteessa. Teknologiateollisuus ry, 2004 | 95* | 2004 |
Service specification in pre-tender phase of public procurement-A triadic model of meaningful involvement AM Holma, J Vesalainen, A Söderman, J Sammalmaa Journal of purchasing and supply management 26 (1), 100580, 2020 | 61 | 2020 |
Toward a typological view of buyer–supplier relationships: Challenging the unidimensional relationship continuum J Vesalainen, M Kohtamäki Industrial marketing management 49, 105-115, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
The governance of partnerships and a strategic network: Supplier actors' experiences in the governance by the customers M Kohtamäki, J Vesalainen, E Varamäki, T Vuorinen Management Decision 44 (8), 1031-1051, 2006 | 46 | 2006 |
Innovation barriers amongst clusters of European SMEs T Pihkala, H Ylinenpaa, J Vesalainen International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 2 (6 …, 2002 | 43 | 2002 |
Small Firm as an Adaptive Organization: Organizational Adaptation Versus Environmental Selection Within Environmental Change J Vesalainen Universitas Wasaensis, 1995 | 41 | 1995 |
Entrepreneurial identity, intentions and the effect of the push-factor J Vesalainen, T Pihkala International Journal of Entrepreneurship 4, 105, 2000 | 39 | 2000 |
Yritysyhteistyön malleja: käsikirja yhteistyön edistäjille J Vesalainen Kauppa-ja teollisuusministerö, yrityskehitysosasto, 1996 | 39 | 1996 |
Yksilön oppimisesta verkoston oppimiseen–Verkostot oppijoina ja oppimisfoorumeina J Vesalainen, R Strömmer Oppivat organisaatiot, oppiva yhteiskunta, 109-129, 1999 | 33 | 1999 |
Types of entrepreneur and strategic level goal setting V Routamaa, J Vesalainen International Small Business Journal 5 (3), 19-29, 1987 | 26 | 1987 |
Tavoitteena strateginen kyvykkyys. Alihankkijan kilpailukyvyn määrätietoinen kehittäminen J Vesalainen Teknologiainfo Teknova, 2010 | 24* | 2010 |
From individual learning to network learning–networks as learners and as forums for learning J Vesalainen, R Strömmer Learning organizations, learning society. Ministry of Labour. Reports of the …, 1999 | 24 | 1999 |